Most of us want to do what we are not doing. In the majority of human hearts, deep down, is an intangible tormenting wish to go somewhere, to see some land, to do something which is not in the programme drawn up for us by the inexorable fate of birth and circumstance. Usually the longing is crushed out by the juggernaut wheels of life's ponderous Car of Necessity, which drives us all forward towards the Unknown in a set groove from which the most desperate efforts never extricate us.
The genius of revolution presided at the birth of the American Republic, whose first breath was drawn amid the economic, social and political turmoil of the eighteenth century. The voyaging and discovering of the three preceding centuries had destroyed European isolation and laid the foundation for a new world order of society.
A PETRIFIED GIANT Ten And One-Half Feet High Discovered In Onondaga County, N.Y.
History of the discovery on October 16, 1869, of an image of stone, the same being a perfectly formed and well developed man, descriptions of the petrification, with the opinions of scientific men thereon.
The tale of the legendary Cardiff Giant is just about as weird, as surreal, and as convoluted as any tale can possibly get! And, without doubt, it was one of the most infamous and audacious hoaxes in American history.
This little volume is a contribution to the comparative study of religions. It is an endeavor to present in a critically correct light some of the fundamental conceptions which are found in the native beliefs of the tribes of America.
This book has been purposely given a sub-title, in order that the peculiar position of the Indian, in 1861, may be brought out in strong relief. He was enough inside the American Union to have something to say about secession and enough outside of it to be approached diplomatically. It is well to note, indeed, that Albert Pike negotiated the several Indian treaties that bound the Indian nations in an alliance with the seceded states, under the authority of the Confederate State Department
American Indians and The Gods From Outer Space - Many now believe the ancient legends of the American Indians tell of visitations to our planet thousands of years ago by space travelers...and there is evidence that today's tribes are still in contact with beings from far away realms and other dimensions.
Very little, it is conceived, is necessary to enable the reader to determine the writer's position on the extreme south western frontiers, in the year 1818. He had spent the summer of that year in traversing the mine district, which extends along the right bank of the Mississippi, between the mouth of the Maromeg and the diluvial cliffs south of Cape Girardeau, extending west and south westward to the sources of the St. Francis.
I don't expect one of our Armed Services to be that worried about whom we wish to pray to or what we wish to believe as long as its done in the confines of a peaceful surrounding. After all, I don't go to your church and you don't go to mine, and if I am not in the Army, Navy or Air Force I certainly have no say as to what they do on or off the front lines.
No one can put to words what is wrong with the USA in such simple simplicity and common sense, as does Ambrose Bierce! His writings should be pre-requisites for all bureaucrats and politicians.
TGS reprints all of L. A. Waddell's work they can find. This latest reprint is a treasure in the author's research of the mysteries and lost cultures and civilizations in Tibet.
Read the History of Egypt written about 2500 years ago. It is rare that such an ancient history comes down to us from the ancient ages.
An unusual revelation about one of our ancient gods; or goddess?
What sort of hymnals and literature did the early church use?
The intelligent thought of the world is ever advancing to a fuller appreciation of the worth of the past to the present and the future. Never before have associations, societies and journals devoted to historical studies been so numerous. All times and tribes are searched for memorials; the remote corners of modern, medieval and ancient periods are brought under scrutiny; and going beyond these again, the semi-historic eras of tradition and the nebulous gleams from pre-historic milleniums are diligently scanned, that their uncertain story may be prefaced to that registered in "the syllables of recorded time."