Being an encyclopedic collection of rare and extraordinary cases, and of the most striking instances of abnormality in all branches of medicine and surgery, derived from an exhaustive research of medical literature from its origin to the present day, abstracted, classified, annotated, and indexed. Since the time when man's mind first busied itself with subjects beyond his own self-preservation and the satisfaction of his bodily appetites, the anomalous and curious have been of exceptional and persistent fascination to him; and especially is this true of the construction and functions of the human body. This is a large manuscript of nearly 700 pages in an 11 inch by 8 inch book.
Parallel worlds, the duality of life, the 4th dimension, lost worlds, Lemuria, Mars, Venus, Atlantis, the hollow earth, -- the idea of another world with life similar to ours has been the study, search, and dream of mankind throughout the ages... or perhaps it is merely mitochondrial memory that fragmentizes us and attaches us to these thoughts.
Long before the practical use of electricity was known in 1873, Hermes was writing to us expounding its benefits and virtues. A dream of an obscure author come true? Or truly a prophetic utterance? Travel with Hermes to Another World and dream the dreams once again.
No doubt the following narrative will be received: with entire incredulity, but I think it well that the public should be put in possession of the facts narrated in "An Antarctic Mystery." The public is free to believe them or not, at its good pleasure.
It's not a simple task to turn social and political theories into novels successfully, but Ayn Rand made it appear simple. This reprint is one of Rand's masterpieces. How does one classify such work? It's fiction, sure--but it's more than 'just' fiction. It's a dream, a vision, a goal for a better world.
Is Einstein's Unified Field Theory the answer to all of our energy problems? Explored in this compilation of material is how gravity, electricity and magnetism manifest from a unified field around us. Why artificial gravity is possible; secrets of UFO propulsion; free energy; Nikola Tesla and anti-gravity airships of the 20s and 30s; flying saucers as superconducting whirls of plasma; anti-mass generators; vortex propulsion; suppressed technology; government cover-ups; gravitational pulse drive; spacecraft & more.
Discover the secrets of the world grid of power spots and vortex areas! Is the earth surrounded by an intricate electromagnetic grid network offering free energy?
The new expanded compilation of material on Anti-Gravity, Free Energy, Flying Saucer Porpulsion, UFOs, Suppressed Technology, NASA Cover-ups and more. Highly illustrated with patents, technical illustrations and photos.
Study into the mythology of the Antichrist that the churches have used for thousands of years to control the people, manipulate the masses, subvert governments, and create fear.
This book belongs to the most rare of men. Perhaps not one of them is yet alive. It is possible that they may be among those who understand my "Zarathustra": how could I confound myself with those who are now sprouting ears?--First the day after tomorrow must come for me. Some men are born posthumously.
The New System, or, an Analysis of Antient Mythology," here presented to the public, is a literary phenomenon, which will remain the admiration of scholars, as long as a curiosity after antiquity shall continue to be a prevailing passion among mankind
Masonic traditions traced back to the beginning of time. - Illustrations of theFive Grand Periods of Freemasonry from the Creation of the World to the Dedication of King Solomon's Temple
Moses, after the seventh day was over begins to talk philosophically; and concerning the formation of man, says thus: That God took dust from the ground, and formed man, and inserted in him a spirit and a soul. This man was called Adam, which in the Hebrew tongue signifies one that is red, because he was formed out of red earth, compounded together; for of that kind is virgin and true earth. God also presented the living creatures, when he had made them, according to their kinds, both male and female, to Adam, who gave them those names by which they are still called.
The present work is a contribution to science in that it shows the essential relationships of what is found in the unconscious of present day mankind to many forms of thinking of the middle ages. These same trends are present today in all of us though hidden behind a different set of structural terms, utilizing different mechanisms for energy expression.
The study of the History of Chemistry as an art, or as a science, is one which possesses peculiar fascination for its votaries. It has been the subject of deep research and much discussion, much has been written upon the subject, and many theories have been broached to account for its origin.
In submitting to the reader Antiquity Unveiled, we feel sure that its contents will fill a vacancy that has long existed in the field of literature. Shrouded in mystery as the origin of Christianity has always been, the evidence contained within this volume seems destined to draw aside the veil and let the light of truth shine upon its history.