Words are SPOKEN as rewards from those we love, or used as weapons to cause hurt. Words inspire us. They form an atomic link of spirit to the very Presence of God. They evoke the very presence of evil. They can bring either miracles or mayhem, love or lust, health or sickness, gratification or utter despair.
Words are SPOKEN as rewards from those we love, or used as weapons to cause hurt. Words inspire us. They form an atomic link of spirit to the very Presence of God. They evoke the very presence of evil. They can bring either miracles or mayhem, love or lust, health or sickness, gratification or utter despair.
These little spirit-filled "booster shots" will allow you to reawaken your faith in a power greater than yourself, of which you are a major part. You will use your own higher sensory perception (HSP), to understand that you are here on earth to make a difference.
As most practitioners of magick, wizardry and other forms of spellwork already know, most covens or solitary workers of magick keep a handwritten Book of Shadows.
Hebrew Enoch 3 is an Old Testament Apocryphal book. 3 Enoch purports to have been written in the 2nd century CE, but its origins can only be traced to the 5th century. Other names for 3 Enoch include "The Third Book of Enoch", "The Book of the Palaces", "The Book of Rabbi Ishmael the High Priest" and "The Revelation of Metatron"
SCARCELY any department of theological science has, in the last few decades, received such marked S\attention and cultivation as that branch for which the Germans have adopted the felicitous appellation Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte,-the study of the age of Christ in its political, social, and religious aspects. The Schodde Translation of the Book of Enoch of 1882.
These books were denounced, banned, cursed, no doubt burned and
shredded-and last but not least, lost (and conveniently forgotten) for
a thousand years. But with an uncanny persistence, the Book of Enoch
found its way back into circulation two centuries ago.
This book is about an alien race. They are taking over our planet. This alien race is known as 'the reptilians.' They are body snatching ~ taking over human bodies. I became involved with one such reptilian host and the reptilian entity working for him. I am now free of all of them. Exposed are unique insights into exactly how a reptilian exists as a human. Secrecy is their power.
This book is about an alien race. They are taking over our planet. This alien race is known as 'the reptilians.' They are body snatching ~ taking over human bodies. I became involved with one such reptilian host and the reptilian entity working for him. I am now free of all of them. Exposed are unique insights into exactly how a reptilian exists as a human. Secrecy is their power.
This is a book about karma thieves. It follows my experiences in the first book the " Body Snatchers" and takes me into the dark side of the angelic realm where Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel and Mary Magdalene are dark sided. And work together as the Gabriel Crime family to steal a karma secret. Ettissh the reptilian who featured in the Body Snatchers bribes them with a reptilian secret on karma and his deal is, they can't use it unless they kill me. They then set about trying to kill me for 3 years, persecuting me. . I am the karma police to them
This is a book about karma thieves. It follows my experiences in the first book the " Body Snatchers" and takes me into the dark side of the angelic realm where Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel and Mary Magdalene are dark sided. And work together as the Gabriel Crime family to steal a karma secret. Ettissh the reptilian who featured in the Body Snatchers bribes them with a reptilian secret on karma and his deal is, they can't use it unless they kill me. They then set about trying to kill me for 3 years, persecuting me. . I am the karma police to them
This is a revolutionary work. As such, many statements may anger some readers. However, I will stick to the facts, and never make any misleading statements, nor will I make generalizations based on anything I know to be lies.
You've heard the Governor of Texas mention it. You've heard state legislators talk about it. You've heard the media ridicule it. Now look at this Texas movement from within. The Texas Nationalist Movement's President, Daniel Miller, opens the movement's reasons and strategum to gain independence of Texas for all to see.
This book will take you on a spiritual journey of an ordinary man who comes face to face with a conspiracy so vast and so evil that he was suddenly faced with making decisions that could and did overturn an heretofore orderly, happy life with a wife and family into attacks that continue to this day. Only recently has he been able to martial the support and strength to continue.
Take a very close and piercing look at the phenomena known as religion and science, and as I'll introduce a fascinating cast of curious characters you may not have met before.