Ancient Mysteries Witches/Goblins/Evil


Conspiracy in the Heavens  -  Sex, lies and a karma secret
My New Book of Shadows
CLAIRVOYANCE and Occult Powers
Conspiracy in the Heavens  -  Kindle-Emobi Ebook
Book of Forbidden Knowledge



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Christian Doctrine Of Hell
Catalog #: SKU3595

If there is a hell, that is the most important fact in the universe. Compared with an eternity of torment, all that this little life has to offer is but as nothing. 2 books in one volume! Essays On Phallic Worship and the Christian Doctrine of Hell

CLAIRVOYANCE and Occult Powers
Catalog #: SKU0971

he student in India expects the teacher to state positively the principles involved, and the methods whereby these principles may be manifested, together with frequent illustrations (generally in the nature of fables or parables), serving to link the new knowledge to some already known thing. The Hindu student never expects or demands anything in the nature of "proof" of the teachers statements of principle or method; in fact, he would regard it as an insult to the teacher to ask for the same.

Collection of Rare and Curious Tracts on Witchcraft and Second Sight
Catalog #: SKU4039

Articles written on witchcraft during the years 1633-1820.

Colonial Witch
Catalog #: SKU3987

Connecticut, home of the Skull and Bones Secret Society, was a leading state run by religious illiteracy and ignorance as it murdered people for the benefit of the popular religion. Don't LAUGH! that's a Crime in this religious biased state.

Confessions of Witches Under Torture
Catalog #: SKU2503

Or why torture is really useless as a tool for interrogation.. You'll get the answer you want under torture every time.

Conspiracy in the Heavens - Kindle-Emobi Ebook
Catalog #: SKU5000

This is a book about karma thieves. It follows my experiences in the first book the " Body Snatchers" and takes me into the dark side of the angelic realm where Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel and Mary Magdalene are dark sided. And work together as the Gabriel Crime family to steal a karma secret. Ettissh the reptilian who featured in the Body Snatchers bribes them with a reptilian secret on karma and his deal is, they can't use it unless they kill me. They then set about trying to kill me for 3 years, persecuting me. . I am the karma police to them

Conspiracy in the Heavens - Sex, lies and a karma secret
Catalog #: SKU3308

This is a book about karma thieves. It follows my experiences in the first book the " Body Snatchers" and takes me into the dark side of the angelic realm where Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel and Mary Magdalene are dark sided. And work together as the Gabriel Crime family to steal a karma secret. Ettissh the reptilian who featured in the Body Snatchers bribes them with a reptilian secret on karma and his deal is, they can't use it unless they kill me. They then set about trying to kill me for 3 years, persecuting me. . I am the karma police to them

Demonology and Witchcraft
Catalog #: SKU2318

Written in 1830, Sir Walter Scott reveals mankind's history with demons and witches. This is an exhaustive study into demons and witches in the ancient religions.

Devil in Britain and America, The
Catalog #: SKU2194

Our favorite mythological character, who just doesn't seem to go away through time. So a myth or not the Devil rules the Western world.

Devil Stories
Catalog #: SKU3203

Of all the myths which have come down to us from the East, and of all the creations of Western fancy and belief, the Personality of Evil has had the strongest attraction for the mind of man. The Devil is the greatest enigma that has ever confronted the human intelligence. So large a place has Satan taken in our imagination, and we might also say in our heart, that his expulsion therefrom, no matter what philosophy may teach us, must for ever remain an impossibility. As a character in imaginative literature Lucifer has not his equal in heaven above or on the earth beneath.

Devil Worship in France or the Question of Lucifer
Catalog #: SKU3180

THE term Modern Satanism is not intended to signify the development of some new aspect of old doctrine concerning demonology, or some new argument for the personification of the evil principle in universal nature. It is intended to signify the alleged revival, or, at least, the reappearance to some extent in public, of a cultus diabolicus, or formal religion of the devil, the existence of which, in the middle ages, is registered by the known facts of the Black Sabbath, a department, however, of historical research, to which full justice yet remains to be done. Large print 15 point font.

Devils and Evil Spirits of Babylonia
Catalog #: SKU2432

The Babylonian and Assyrian incantations and chants to ward off the demons and ghouls. Translated from the cuneiform tablets.

Devils of Loudun
Catalog #: SKU3219

Magic appears to have had its origin on the plains of Assyria, and the worship of the stars was the creed of those pastoral tribes who, pouring down from the mountains of Kurdistan into the wide level where Babylon afterwards raised its thousand towers, founded the sacerdotal race of the Chasdim or Chaldeans.

Discovery of Witches
Catalog #: SKU3788

Certaine Queries answered, which have been and are likely to be objected against MATTHEW HOPKINS, in his way of finding out Witches. The handbook for determining who among us are witches and who are not.

Doctrine of Satan
Catalog #: SKU3962

The author traces the doctrine of Satan through the Old and New Testaments, and extra-biblical manuscripts.

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