Ancient Mysteries Witches/Goblins/Evil


Conspiracy in the Heavens  -  Sex, lies and a karma secret
My New Book of Shadows
CLAIRVOYANCE and Occult Powers
Conspiracy in the Heavens  -  Kindle-Emobi Ebook
Book of Forbidden Knowledge



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Political History of the Devil
Catalog #: SKU2628

This is a scanned reprint of Defoe's famous book. It was written in 1726, and shows the linguistics, spelling, and characters of that age. It is a curious tale of our famous Devil and how he has subjected mankind to his authority.

Irish Witchcraft and Demonology
Catalog #: SKU2614

History, mythology, folklore-- all presented in this great reprint on witchcraft in Ireland.... Are there really no snakes in Ireland?

Gaulish Inscription of the Poitiers: A Charm Against the Demon Dontaurios
Catalog #: SKU2610

20 pages of research on this strange inscription. Demonology and how our ancestors used talismans and spells to ward them off.

Science of Evil
Catalog #: SKU2588

The origins of evil researched. Is the church itself a retardant or the promulgator of evil as we know it?

Catalog #: SKU2586

Real life experiences with phantasms reported in short story form.

Witchcraft and Devil Lore
Catalog #: SKU2509

Transcripts From The Official Records Of The Guernsey Royal Court, With An English Translation And Historical Introduction. - A study of the withcraft and devil lore once prevalent in the Channel Islands.

Evil and Evolution
Catalog #: SKU2505

An attempt to turn the light of modern science on to the ancient mystery of evil.

Confessions of Witches Under Torture
Catalog #: SKU2503

Or why torture is really useless as a tool for interrogation.. You'll get the answer you want under torture every time.

Ghostly Pets, Phantom Felines, and Haunted Hounds
Catalog #: SKU2482

Do our beloved pets come back to comfort us? or torment us? Unusual study into the phenomena of pet ghosts.

Secret of the Totem
Catalog #: SKU2470

The totem poles dotted the American landscapes for thousands of years. What were they for? What is their meaning? Andrew Lang takes on this research.

Hebrew Characters Derived From Heiroglyphics - Rites of Bacchus
Catalog #: SKU2444

The relationship between the Egyptian and the Hebrew becomes even closer as the author exposes the origins of the Aleph-Bet.

Fairy Circles
Catalog #: SKU2440

Forgotten stories, legends, and myths of other worldly characters that have terrorized and entertained mankind for thousands of years.

Evil Eye - Thanatology
Catalog #: SKU2438

Little discussed subjects are unearthed and brought to light and studied.

Devils and Evil Spirits of Babylonia
Catalog #: SKU2432

The Babylonian and Assyrian incantations and chants to ward off the demons and ghouls. Translated from the cuneiform tablets.

Foot-Prints of Satan : The Devil in History
Catalog #: SKU2420

Exposing how man's belief of Satan has affected and manipulated mankind and civilization.

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