Ancient Mysteries
THE term Modern Satanism is not intended to signify the development of some new aspect of old doctrine concerning demonology, or some new argument for the personification of the evil principle in universal nature. It is intended to signify the alleged revival, or, at least, the reappearance to some extent in public, of a cultus diabolicus, or formal religion of the devil, the existence of which, in the middle ages, is registered by the known facts of the Black Sabbath, a department, however, of historical research, to which full justice yet remains to be done. Large print 15 point font.
This rare and fascinating book is filled with incredible information about he oldest mythological story in the world -- that of the dragon. Similar stories exist worldwide, in all cultures, of this elusive and powerful creature. The author states that the dragon is connectd with the powers and doings of the earliest gods, and like them is vague, changeable and contradictory in its attributes, maintaining from first to last only one definable characteristic -- association with and control of water.
A look at historic ghosts that have raised public attention to these mysteries. Are they explainable by science? or just spiritual apparitions? or both?
IN recent years a reawakening has taken place in the study of American arch
What gives you the right to think you are so unlucky? Does it have anything at all to do with the fact that the cards never come up the right suit; that the dice always fall where they may (which is not how you placed your bet); or that the beer guzzling, chain smoker down the hall has won the Pick Six three weeks in a row?
The author looks at Witchcraft in the 17th century as a living religion or faith and traces the history of that faith with Christianity's reactions to the witch's faith.
"Picou tells me that he saw the were-wolf only this day se'nnight," said a peasant; "he was down by the hedge of his buckwheat field, and the sun had set, and he was thinking of coming home, when he heard a rustle on the far side of the hedge. He looked over, and there stood the wolf as big as a calf against the horizon, its tongue out, and its eyes glaring like marsh-fires. Mon Dieu! catch me going over the marais to-night. Why, what could two men do if they were attacked by that wolf-fiend?"
The author's goal is to show where the witch came from and why, as well as what she was and is, and how necessary she is and must be, for the happiness of mankind.
A few months before the lamented death of my husband-I might say even as the shadow of death was over him-he planned three series of short stories for publication, and the present volume is one of them. To his original list of stories in this book, I have added an hitherto unpublished episode from Dracula. ~Florence Bram Stoker
Throughout the pages of this little book have been scattered crumbs of teaching other than those concerning the aura alone. Those for whom these are intended will recognize and appropriate them--the others will not see them, and will pass them by. One attracts his own to him. Much seed must fall on waste places in order that here and there a grain will find lodgment in rich soil awaiting its coming. True occult knowledge is practical power and strength.
History, mythology, folklore-- all presented in this great reprint on witchcraft in Ireland.... Are there really no snakes in Ireland?
From Bram Stoker, one of the greatest authors of horror mysteries.
This being an in depth defense, based in facts, against the false propaganda of the Catholic Church, alleging Freemasonry is Satanic/Satan worshippers would be an over simplification of any works by Arthur Edward Waite. Waite is one of the great mystic authors and researchers from the Age of Enlightenment, when the 'church' was held up to the light of truth, and the church failed.
Ghosts have been with us forever.... yet still not fully explained..
I have spoken of the science of the occult as standing on the tripod of the psychic, intellectual and physical and I might have said much more on all three, as India has done in her great teachings. But in such matters it is wise to be extremely practical and to begin at the beginning and with something entirely in one's own control