Ancient Mysteries Witches/Goblins/Evil


Conspiracy in the Heavens  -  Sex, lies and a karma secret
My New Book of Shadows
CLAIRVOYANCE and Occult Powers
Conspiracy in the Heavens  -  Kindle-Emobi Ebook
Book of Forbidden Knowledge



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Man, The
Catalog #: SKU2277

From Bram Stoker, one of the greatest authors of horror mysteries.

Natural Magic
Catalog #: SKU1979

Natural Magic, White Magic, Black Magic, Divination, Occult Binding, Sorceries, And Their Power. Unctions, Love Medicines And Their Virtues. The Occult Virtue Of Things Which Are In Them Only In Their Life Time, And Such As Remain In Them Even After Their Death. The Occult Or Magical Virtue Of All Things, Etc.

Secret Book of Shadows
Catalog #: SKU2870

As most practitioners of magick, wizardry and other forms of spellwork already know, most covens or solitary workers of magick keep a handwritten Book of Shadows. This is a LARGE PRINT edition of the book My Book of Shadows by the same author.

Vivenus: Starchild
Catalog #: SKU3553

I can't in all honesty tell you I believe her story! How can a grown, mature, person with all his faculties con someone into believing they know someone from another planet who is walking our Earth and living amongst us? Science does, after all, tell us life cannot possible exist elsewhere in our own solar system.

Wagner: The Wehr-Wolf
Catalog #: SKU2081

It was the month of January, 1516. The night was dark and tempestuous; the thunder growled around; the lightning flashed at short intervals: and the wind swept furiously along in sudden and fitful gusts. The streams of the great Black Forest of Germany babbled in playful melody no more, but rushed on with deafening din, mingling their torrent roar with the wild creaking of the huge oaks, the rustling of the firs, the howling of the affrighted wolves, and the hollow voices of the storm.

Witch-Cult in Western Europe
Catalog #: SKU3200

The sources from which the information is taken are the judicial records and contemporary chroniclers. In the case of the chroniclers I have studied their facts and not their opinions. I have also had access to some unpublished trials among the Edinburgh Justiciary Records and also in the Guernsey Greffe. Large print 15 point font.

Wonders of the Invisible World
Catalog #: SKU2299

The two very rare works reprinted in the present volume, written by two of the most celebrated of the early American divines, relate to one of the most extraordinary cases of popular delusion that modern times have witnessed. It was a delusion, moreover, to which men of learning and piety lent themselves, and thus became the means of increasing it. The scene of this affair was the puritanical colony of New England.

Devil Stories
Catalog #: SKU3203

Of all the myths which have come down to us from the East, and of all the creations of Western fancy and belief, the Personality of Evil has had the strongest attraction for the mind of man. The Devil is the greatest enigma that has ever confronted the human intelligence. So large a place has Satan taken in our imagination, and we might also say in our heart, that his expulsion therefrom, no matter what philosophy may teach us, must for ever remain an impossibility. As a character in imaginative literature Lucifer has not his equal in heaven above or on the earth beneath.

Pedigree of the Devil
Catalog #: SKU2209

Interesting--- the ancestral history of the Devil.

Sorceress, The
Catalog #: SKU2647

A study into Middle Age superstition. Every stone turned over in this study of socery in society, religions, christianity, history, etc.

Sorcery and Magic
Catalog #: SKU2766

Exhaustive study into sorcery, magic, witchcraft, demons, and satan, especially as these beliefs affected history.

Catalog #: SKU2075

WHAT is a werwolf? To this there is no one very satisfactory reply. There are, indeed, so many diverse views held with regard to the nature and classification of werwolves, their existence is so keenly disputed, and the subject is capable of being regarded from so many standpoints, that any attempt at definition in a restricted sense would be well-nigh impossible.

Witch, Warlock and Magician
Catalog #: SKU2652

Historical sketches of witchcraft and magic in England and Scotland. Study into England's famous magicians John Dee, Roger Bacon, and William Lily.

Devil in Britain and America, The
Catalog #: SKU2194

Our favorite mythological character, who just doesn't seem to go away through time. So a myth or not the Devil rules the Western world.

Gypsy Witch Spell Book
Catalog #: SKU2319

There are a handful of people whose research over the years into the world of the esoteric has enriched our knowledge of the mysteries of this world and the next. One of these researchers, Charles Godfrey Leland, contributed so much to our present day understanding of magick and the people who practice it, that it is both mystifying and heartbreaking that little is remembered or attributed to this amazing man.

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