Ancient Mysteries Witches/Goblins/Evil


Conspiracy in the Heavens  -  Sex, lies and a karma secret
My New Book of Shadows
CLAIRVOYANCE and Occult Powers
Conspiracy in the Heavens  -  Kindle-Emobi Ebook
Book of Forbidden Knowledge



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Royal Book of Dreams, The
Catalog #: SKU2853

This book from 1830 was credited to 'The Astrologer of the 19th Century', Raphael. It is a very interesting esoteric book containing more than simple astrology and dream interpretation.

Catalog #: SKU2871

Evidence now in our possession indicates that the dreaded clan of ultra-terrestrials known as the Reptilians or Serpents are even more determined than ever to make inroads into our society and to subject the human race to all forms of torturous misdeeds.

Real Ghost Stories
Catalog #: SKU2212

Ghosts have been with us forever.... yet still not fully explained..

Raphael's Ancient Manuscript of Talismanic Magic
Catalog #: SKU0117

An odd book on talismanic magic spells because it was published in the author's handwriting instead of type-setting, yet, it is still readable over a hundred years after the original printing. This small book is a treasure trove of information on cabbalistic magic.

Question of Lucifer
Catalog #: SKU1894

This being an in depth defense, based in facts, against the false propaganda of the Catholic Church, alleging Freemasonry is Satanic/Satan worshippers would be an over simplification of any works by Arthur Edward Waite. Waite is one of the great mystic authors and researchers from the Age of Enlightenment, when the 'church' was held up to the light of truth, and the church failed.

Pow-Wows : Long Lost Friend
Catalog #: SKU2739

Long forgotten remedies and spells for healing and other useful tips... even one for how to make good beer.

Political History of the Devil
Catalog #: SKU2628

This is a scanned reprint of Defoe's famous book. It was written in 1726, and shows the linguistics, spelling, and characters of that age. It is a curious tale of our famous Devil and how he has subjected mankind to his authority.

Poison Mysteries in History, Romance and Crime
Catalog #: SKU3137

A comprehensive history, full of delightful anecdotes, of the types, uses, and abuses of poison. Illustrated with photographs. Sample contents: Poisons used by ancient and primitive races; Superstitions connected with poisonous plants; Some classical poisons and their histories; The Italian school of poisoners; The mystery of Amy Robsart's death; Poisons in fiction; and poison mysteries, which are details of 23 criminal poisonings. This facsimile reprint is from the 1923 original edition. 33 illustrations, many added by TGS Publishing

Pirates Own Book
Catalog #: SKU3138

In the mind of the mariner, there is a superstitious horror connected with the name of Pirate; and there are few subjects that interest and excite the curiosity of mankind generally, more than the desperate exploits, foul doings, and diabolical career of these monsters in human form. A piratical crew is generally formed of the desperadoes and runagates of every clime and nation. The pirate, from the perilous nature of his occupation, when not cruising on the ocean, the great highway of nations, selects the most lonely isles of the sea for his retreat, or secretes himself near the shores of rivers, bays and lagoons of thickly wooded and uninhabited countries, so that if pursued he can escape to the woods and mountain glens of the interior.

Philosophy of Witchcraft
Catalog #: SKU3953

An in depth look at the belief in witchcraft and the absurd and murderous actions of the church.

Phantom World & Ghosts Who Return To Earth Bodily (2 Books in 1 Volume)
Catalog #: SKU3208

Among the many phases presented by human credulity, few are more interesting than those which regard the realities of the invisible world. If the opinions which have been held on this subject were written and gathered together they would form hundreds of volumes-if they were arranged and digested they would form a few, but most important. It is not merely because there is in almost every human error a substratum of truth, and that the more important the subject the more important the substratum, but because the investigation will give almost a history of human aberrations, that this otherwise unpromising topic assumes so high an interest. The superstitions of every age, for no age is free from them, will present the popular modes of thinking in an intelligible and easily accessible form, and may be taken as a means of gauging (if the expression be permitted) the philosophical and metaphysical capacities of the period. In this light, the volumes here presented to the reader will be found of great value, for they give a picture of the popular mind at a time of great interest, and furnish a clue to many difficulties in the ecclesiastical affairs of that era.

Phantom of the Opera (Large Print)
Catalog #: SKU3526

The Opera ghost really existed. He was not, as was long believed, a creature of the imagination of the artists, the superstition of the managers, or a product of the absurd and impressionable brains of the young ladies of the ballet, their mothers, the box-keepers, the cloak-room attendants or the concierge. Yes, he existed in flesh and blood, although he assumed the complete appearance of a real phantom; that is to say, of a spectral shade.

Catalog #: SKU2586

Real life experiences with phantasms reported in short story form.

Pedigree of the Devil
Catalog #: SKU2209

Interesting--- the ancestral history of the Devil.

Palmistry Revealed
Catalog #: SKU0727

The ancient science of palmistry has long fascinated those who seek to examine the past and discovered what the future holds. For answers to the questions we all have about life- from love, marriage and children to health, career and talents- we need look no further than the palm of our hands.

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