As Above So Below Universal Creator


Deon Chronicles
Blueprint for a Better World
Beyond Our Galaxy
Things Kept Secret from the Foundation of the World
Days Before Tommorrow
Cities of the Deep

Universal Creator


Hebrew Enoch 3
Catalog #: SKU4243

Hebrew Enoch 3 is an Old Testament Apocryphal book. 3 Enoch purports to have been written in the 2nd century CE, but its origins can only be traced to the 5th century. Other names for 3 Enoch include "The Third Book of Enoch", "The Book of the Palaces", "The Book of Rabbi Ishmael the High Priest" and "The Revelation of Metatron"

Mystic World
Catalog #: SKU4011

The experience of one man into the world of spiritism, seances, and clairvoyance.

Mystic Passages
Catalog #: SKU4008

Different ways to look at the more popular poetry and prose of the Old Testament.

Mystic Knowledge
Catalog #: SKU4006

Mysticism is the real mystery of all religions, for they excel in their knowledge of all things, and remain separate from the ignorant orthodoxy of man made rules and religious control.

Lifting the Veil (Princess Wahletka)
Catalog #: SKU4002

How to acquire mystic power within yourself and develop your mind, body, and spirit, as taught by a Cherokee princess.

After Death - Disembodied Man
Catalog #: SKU3977

One of the best books ever written about what happens to man after he dies. The experience almost feels real as you read the philosophy of the Rosicrucian, in the manner this author employs.

Seership! The Magnetic Mirror
Catalog #: SKU3943

A practical guide to those who aspire to Clairvoyant-Absolute

Consciousness of the Atom
Catalog #: SKU3911

There has probably never been a period in the history of thought entirely resembling the present.

God the Known and God the Unknown
Catalog #: SKU3773

MANKIND has ever been ready to discuss matters in the inverse ratio of their importance, so that the more closely a question is felt to touch the hearts of all of us, the more incumbent it is considered upon prudent people to profess that it does not exist, to frown it down, to tell it to hold its tongue, to maintain that it has long been finally settled, so that there is now no question concerning it.

Wisdom of the Gods, The
Catalog #: SKU3737

LIFE, as we know it, despite its allurements and its pains, is but the shadow of our real and ultimate existence. Before us lies a vast territory of knowledge, the outskirts of which we have barely fringed.

Cosmic Consciousness
Catalog #: SKU3664

The religions and philosophies of the Orient and the Occident compared; their chief difference; The mistaken idea of death. Cosmic Consciousness not common in the Orient. Why? What the earnest disciple strives for. The Real and the unreal.

Inner Consciousness (Kindle-Emobi)
Catalog #: SKU3633

In theoretical as well as applied psychology no term is more misleading, or confusing than the term consciousness. We use the term often in our conversation; we come across it in our study; but when we are asked to define it properly, to explain its significance, its meaning, or the idea for which that word stands, we are unable to do so.

Inner Consciousness
Catalog #: SKU3632

In theoretical as well as applied psychology no term is more misleading, or confusing than the term consciousness. We use the term often in our conversation; we come across it in our study; but when we are asked to define it properly, to explain its significance, its meaning, or the idea for which that word stands, we are unable to do so.

Soul's Growth Through Reincarnation
Catalog #: SKU3630

A study in reincarnation. After one has accepted the idea of Reincarnation, that the soul returns again and again to earth, the question inevitably arises, "What is the end of it all?" Answers have been given by Eastern philosophers, as also by Plato, all of whom postulate Reincarnation as a necessary part of the soul's existence. Their answer is Liberation, or a final freedom from rebirths.

Secret Doctrine - 10 Book Set
Catalog #: SKU3627

The Secret Doctrine set the religious world on fire when it was first introduced, a heaven-sent answer for many whose spiritual questions were not addressed by Christianity. While some people may discount some of the theology, throwing the baby out with the bathwater is just wrong. Blavatsky searched the world over hunting for the true religion, the true spirituality, -- the truth.
