As Above So Below Universal Creator


Deon Chronicles
Blueprint for a Better World
Beyond Our Galaxy
Things Kept Secret from the Foundation of the World
Days Before Tommorrow
Cities of the Deep

Universal Creator


Ancient Wisdom
Catalog #: SKU0172

Those who have learned a little of the Ancient Wisdom know the illumination, the peace, the joy, the strength, its lessons have brought into their lives. That this book may win some to use its teachings, and to prove for themselves their value, is the prayer with which it is sent forth into the world.

Crown of Asphodels
Catalog #: SKU0175

It was said unto me: "Write this, that those who look for the Dawning of the Soul may read and understand." The Crown of Asphodels is formed of five blooms.

Divine Vision
Catalog #: SKU0183

IT is a true saying, and one experienced and proved by us all, that we rise to higher things on the stepping stones of our dead selves.

Seven Rays
Catalog #: SKU0194

There are seven Forces in Man and in all Nature. The real substance of the Concealed (Sun) is a nucleus of Mother-Substance. It is the Heart and Matrix of all the living and existing Forces in our Solar Universe. It is the Kernel from which proceed to spread on their cyclic journeys all the Powers that set in action the Atoms, in their fundamental duties, and the Focus within which they again meet in their Seventh Essence every eleventh year. He who tells thee he has seen the Sun, laugh at him, as if he had said that the Sun moves really onward in his diurnal path.

Star Signs : Secret Codes of the Universe
Catalog #: SKU0262

Forgotten Rainbows and Forgotten Melodies of Ancient Wisdom - The intention of this book is to reveal, among several other metaphysical codes, a key to wisdom previously comprehended by only a few initiated Masters, a secret hidden for centuries "in plain sight" (the safest place to hide the sacred) and unsuspected by the mundane intellect, long blinded to the simplicity of truth.

Reconnection, The
Catalog #: SKU0352

Why are prominent doctors and medical researchers all over the world interested in the extraordinary healings reported by the patients of Eric Pearl? What does it mean when these patients report the miraculous disappearance of afflictions such as cancers, AIDS-related diseases, and cerebal palsy? And what does it mean when people who interact with Eric Pearl report a sudden ability to access this healing energy not just for themselves, but for others, too? What is this phenomenon?

Only One Sky to Fly In
Catalog #: SKU0457

I was asked to write a book on a subject many find quite distressing: The Reptiles. Here it is together with much more to celebrate the times we are now moving into.

Lost Keys of Freemasonry
Catalog #: SKU0522

Also known as The Secret of Hiram Abiff, this text was written for the Mason and non-Mason alike. Mr. Hall, himself an honorary 33

Practical Guide to Psychic Powers
Catalog #: SKU0549

"This book is an excellent primer for those who desire to begin the greatest journey of their life-the journey int to realm of psychic development. Denning and Phillips knowledgeably point you in the right direction, and then they provide sound exercises to start you on your journey. How far you go is up to you, but this is the book to get you started."

Sacred Steps
Catalog #: SKU0552

Not just a book

Soul Reflections : Many Lives, Many Journeys
Catalog #: SKU0554

The life, feelings, desires and dreams of your soul. How to heal your inner child, claim your loving adult, transform the inner critic rascal and love yourself free to be the real you. The energies of the sun and moon do impact life on earth-for good and for ill. Spiritually and physically, the rays of the sun are the solar energy of God.

Blueprint for a Better World
Catalog #: SKU0595

One doesn't have to be a rocket scientist to realize that there is something seriously wrong with our present civilization. The global economy is rapidly collapsing, the world is beset with terrorism, war, famine, drought and virulent diseases. Pollution abounds and global desertification increases at the alarming rate of 20,000 square miles annually.

Zulu Shaman - Dreams, Prophecies, and Mysteries
Catalog #: SKU0626

In this rare window into Zulu mysticism, Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa breaks the bonds of traditional silence to share his personal experiences as a sangoma--a Zulu shaman. Set against the backdrop of post-colonial South Africa, Zulu Shaman relays the first-person accounts of an African healer and reveals the cosmology of the Zulu.

Destiny of Souls
Catalog #: SKU0632

Enter the Heart of the Spirit World. In Destiny of Souls, 67 people just like you recall their life between lives through Dr. Newton's personal work in spiritual hypnotherapy. Based on his groundbreaking research into the afterlife, this book is designed both for first-time venturers into the subject

Jesus - Last of the Great Pharoahs
Catalog #: SKU0642

There is irrefutable evidence that the Biblical patriarchs were indeed pharaohs of Egypt, that is why their story was so important that it has endured for so many thousands of years. Using this new knowledge, Jesus, Last of the Pharaohs goes on to discover an entirely new face to Christianity, to discover startling new passages where the Biblical Jesus and Saul appear in the historical record.
