As Above So Below Universal Creator


Deon Chronicles
Blueprint for a Better World
Beyond Our Galaxy
Things Kept Secret from the Foundation of the World
Days Before Tommorrow
Cities of the Deep

Universal Creator


God Code
Catalog #: SKU0695

The Secret of Our Past, the Promise of Our Future - A coded message has been found within the molecules of life; deep within the DNA in each cell of our bodies. Through a remarkable discovery linking Biblical alphabets to our genetic code, the "Language of Life" may now be read as the ancient letters of a timeless message. In this all-new original research, Gregg Braden shares the life-changing discovery of his extensive 12-year study of the most sacred and honored traditions of humankind.

Kabbalah or the Religious Philosophy of the Hebrews
Catalog #: SKU1247

A doctrine with more than one point of resemblance to the doctrine of Plato and Spinoza; a doctrine which in its form rises at times to the majestic tone of religious poetry; a doctrine born in the same land, and almost at the same time, as Christianity; a doctrine which developed and spread during a period of more than twelve centuries in the shadow of the most profound mystery, without any supporting evidence other than the testimony of a presumptive ancient tradition, and with no apparent motive than the desire to penetrate more intimately into the meaning of the Sacred Books--such is the doctrine found in the original writings and in the oldest fragments of the Kabbalah

Mysteries: Glimpses of the Supernatural
Catalog #: SKU2948

The supernatural is something that men scoff at in public, calling it superstition, but it is that supernatural that these same men worship on Sundays.

World of Dreams
Catalog #: SKU2957

From one of the world's greatest psychologists and therapist, a study into the dream world. Every angle of dreams is studied and reviewed.

Catalog #: SKU2866

A manual, a how to manual, for astral projection.

Campaner Thal
Catalog #: SKU3507

In my distilling processes, I frequently precipitated the phlegma of our earthball--its polar deserts, its Russian forests, its icebergs--and from the sediments extracted a beautiful by-earth, a small satellite. If we extract and regulate the charms of this old world, we can form a delightful though minutely condensed world.

Glimpses of the Next State
Catalog #: SKU1522

When I commenced my investigations into spiritism, no desire for consolation attracted me to the study. For thirty years I had only lost one near relative, my father, and he had passed over nearly twelve years before, at a good old age. In this respect I have been unusually fortunate; but the most powerful incentive any man can have to delve into the occult was absent in my case. I wanted to know the truth. "If a man die, shall he live again?" - this was the problem to be solved.

Great Secret, The
Catalog #: SKU0813


In the Pronaos of the Temple of Wisdom : With the Adepts
Catalog #: SKU1636

TWO BOOKS IN ONE VOLUME: Containing the history of the true and the false Rosicrucians with an introduction into the mysteries of the hermetic philosophy and an appendix containing the principles of the yoga-philosophy of the Rosicrucians and Alchemists

Pedigree of the Devil
Catalog #: SKU2209

Interesting--- the ancestral history of the Devil.

Pioneers of the Aura
Catalog #: SKU1585

There have been many books written about the aura, mainly by clairvoyants who possess no scientific education. There have also been technical papers about the electro-photonic properties of cells written by physicists, biologists and doctors whose research is generally inaccessible or incomprehensible to the public.

Sacred Books of the East
Catalog #: SKU1343

The Vedic Hymns are among the most interesting portions of Hindoo literature. In form and spirit they resemble both the poems of the Hebrew psalter and the lyrics of Pindar. They deal with the most elemental religious conceptions and are full of the imagery of nature.

Secret Doctrine - Volume 6
Catalog #: SKU3626

The Secret Doctrine set the religious world on fire when it was first introduced, a heaven-sent answer for many whose spiritual questions were not addressed by Christianity. While some people may discount some of the theology, throwing the baby out with the bathwater is just wrong. Blavatsky searched the world over hunting for the true religion, the true spirituality, -- the truth.

Seen and Unseen
Catalog #: SKU3295

Having set myself to write a personal record of psychic experiences, I must "begin at the beginning," as the children say.

Strange Houses of Sleep
Catalog #: SKU2163

A study into life and death, darkness and light, ignorance and knowledge-- from Rosicrucian and Masonic legends by expert A.E. Waite.
