As Above So Below
Universal Creator
A look into the strange presumption of most religions of God-Sex with human women, producing gods from their offspring. A cabalistic or esoteric view of the spiritual wedding and marriage.
The Mother of the Gods has birthed itself in every religion, including Christianity. The author researches sources of this mythology.
No man should regard the subject of religion as decided for him until he has read The Golden Bough. The Golden Bough is one of those books that unmake history.
Rare and powerful legendary power squares which have been handed down for centuries only in sacred volumes used by a few presented by one of the great mystics of our age, Oribello
MANKIND has ever been ready to discuss matters in the inverse ratio of their importance, so that the more closely a question is felt to touch the hearts of all of us, the more incumbent it is considered upon prudent people to profess that it does not exist, to frown it down, to tell it to hold its tongue, to maintain that it has long been finally settled, so that there is now no question concerning it.
The Secret of Our Past, the Promise of Our Future - A coded message has been found within the molecules of life; deep within the DNA in each cell of our bodies. Through a remarkable discovery linking Biblical alphabets to our genetic code, the "Language of Life" may now be read as the ancient letters of a timeless message. In this all-new original research, Gregg Braden shares the life-changing discovery of his extensive 12-year study of the most sacred and honored traditions of humankind.
The facts in nature are the foundation out of which all consciousness and knowledge grow. Science is the outgrowth of these facts through careful investigation and study. Revelation is facts derived from the inner-consciousness-intuition-which is allied to the cause-world and is cognizant of the mind from which it originated, or from messengers (angels) from God.
The seeds of the Gnosis were originally of Indian growth, carried so far westward by the influence of that Buddhistic movement which had previously overspread all the East, from Thibet to Ceylon, was the great truth faintly discerned by Matter, but which became evident to me upon acquiring even a slight acquaintance with the chief doctrines of Indian theosophy.
When I commenced my investigations into spiritism, no desire for consolation attracted me to the study. For thirty years I had only lost one near relative, my father, and he had passed over nearly twelve years before, at a good old age. In this respect I have been unusually fortunate; but the most powerful incentive any man can have to delve into the occult was absent in my case. I wanted to know the truth. "If a man die, shall he live again?" - this was the problem to be solved.
There are few words more rivetting, even awe inspiring, than 'life beyond death,' for they imply, excitingly, that the dead live on to exist in some form of afterlife. Those words have mystery, romance, and colour, and according to the historic evidence, millions of people have glimpsed that afterlife in an astounding phenomenon called the Near-Death Experience.
This book is quite old (written 1930s), yet it's a perennial shining light amongst the plethora of channelled material available nowadays. Stewart and Betty White published several books in the 1930s. The Gaelic Manuscripts was never properly published.
Creating the Future is the name of a project which begins with the publication of this book. Actually, it has already begun, in the form of weekend dialogues with small groups of twenty people. The purpose of such dialogues is to plant seeds in the minds of those who already know they can invent new projects in the world.
Fons Vitae is the first part of wisdom or more accurately the first foundation and root of wisdom, he elaborates the steps to be followed from a knowledge of matter and form through the knowledge of will to the science of the First Essence.