As Above So Below Universal Creator


Deon Chronicles
Blueprint for a Better World
Beyond Our Galaxy
Things Kept Secret from the Foundation of the World
Days Before Tommorrow
Cities of the Deep

Universal Creator


Flowers from the Tree of Wisdom
Catalog #: SKU1507

While many collections of inspiring quotations have been published, this one stands out, both for the high quality of its contents and for its tasteful presentation. This special book carries an energy of its own, and that is what makes it so precious. It makes a wonderful gift

Goal of Life
Catalog #: SKU3559

The facts in nature are the foundation out of which all consciousness and knowledge grow. Science is the outgrowth of these facts through careful investigation and study. Revelation is facts derived from the inner-consciousness-intuition-which is allied to the cause-world and is cognizant of the mind from which it originated, or from messengers (angels) from God.

Lobsang Rampa : New Age Trailblazer
Catalog #: SKU1280

There are those whose feet are firmly on The Path, who are known as 'Old Souls' and who possess inner knowledge. They are aware of Truth, they have no need of a book such as this. But for the vast majority, who may indeed be true seekers, because of the way we are educated in the so-called civilized world, analysis, proof, the opinion of others is often necessary. I believe this book provides what they need. It has been diligently researched, and even if some of the reports printed here are, at the least, inaccurate, that is not the fault of the author. She has merely reproduced what has been said and written about a personage who defies our present stage of understanding. It is for the reader to form his or her own opinion.

Lords of the Ghostland, The
Catalog #: SKU2313

Do all the gods deal with man's life after death? Interesting short study of a few of the mythological gods and immortality

Missing History of the Bible
Catalog #: SKU1279

King James Version : Apocryphal Books : Bell and the Dragon, Prayer of Azariah, (Missing parts of the Book of Daniel), 4 Ezra, 1, 2, 3, 4 Maccabees, Book of Tobit, Book of Baruch, Epistle of Jeremiah : Historical records and account of Jewish and Middle Eastern history removed from Protestant Bibles in 1826. King James Version from the Apocrypha... Larger Print Edition.

MOST HOLY TRINOSOPHIA of Comte de Saint Germain
Catalog #: SKU1541

In one of his tales concerning vampires, St.Germain mentioned in an offhand way that he possessed the wand or staff with which Moses brought water from the rock, adding that it had been presented to him at Babylon during the reign of Cyrus the Great.

Mystery of the Kingdom of God: The Secret of Jesus' Messiahship and Passion
Catalog #: SKU2735

A look at the strange actions of Jesus at the Passion and His revealing of his Messiahship...

Project World Evacuation
Catalog #: SKU1564

Just as many are called and few are chosen, likewise, many who read this book will neither understand nor receive the information. But those special souls for whom it is intended will rejoice in its guidance and accept its timely and imperative revelation.
This information is not entertainment. It is comparable to "sealed orders" given to dedicated volunteers on a strategic mission. It is dispersed to them, compiled for them and will be cherished by them.

Road I Know, The
Catalog #: SKU0993

Perhaps it was largely for my own satisfaction; in any case I did again go through the roughly million and a quarter words that were the records of Betty's work while here. Passages directed at her personally, and no one else, I red-penciled. Next I cut them out and pasted them seriatim. They totaled nearly two hundred thousand words. For the first time I read them consecutively; and realized that, even with no further arrangement, I had a NARRATIVE.

Today's New Atlantis
Catalog #: SKU0868

Are you looking for Atlantis, the highly advanced "ancient" society that destroyed itself through greed and war ages ago? Then look around you and understand that Atlantis is reincarnated in the present society and that you are a citizen of the new Atlantis . . . commonly known as the United States of America!

Traces of a Hidden Tradition In Masonry and Medieval Mysticism
Catalog #: SKU1538

To those who wish to understand the reason of this steady recurrence of mystic tradition in every century, these studies may be of some use. They will serve as literary landmarks to guide the seeker to those distant sources whence flow faint echoes of divine truths--the heritage of the divine human race; truths that bring dim memories to the soul which are its highest impulse, and give the clue that guides it to the inner "science of the soul"--the mystic quest of all the saints, and the hidden truth that all religions have tried to teach, and which only a few in each religion have ever realized.

Using Candle Burning
Catalog #: SKU1583

First, it is suggested that you read this book from start to finish, casually, so as to get a feel for its true mission. Then go over the book a second time, taking in and performing the various rituals, as well as reviewing the valuable information.
Within the pages of this book you will discover "the Seven Ministering Angels of the Seven Blessings", and how to connect with them to manifest the Seven Great Blessings in your life.

Solomon: Falcon of Sheba
Catalog #: SKU0644

Tomb and Image of the Queen of Sheba Discovered - The Queen of Sheba, King Solomon and King David are still household names in much of the world, so how is it possible that these influential monarchs cannot be found in the archaeological record? The reality of this omission has perplexed theologians and historians alike for centuries, but Ralph Ellis, the maverick author of Jesus, Last of the Pharaohs and Tempest & Exodus, has at last rediscovered the lost tombs and sarcophagi of these legendary monarchs.

Our Unseen Guest
Catalog #: SKU0994

The success of telephone communication depends on the perfection of the telephonic mechanism. If the connection is imperfect, the message is confused. And so it is, Stephen says, with communication between persons on his plane and persons here on earth; the connection, so to speak, may be good, bad, or indifferent.

Across the Unknown
Catalog #: SKU0990

Suddenly you fit into the place where the thing you shaped will go with mathematical nicety. It is as though a lot of scattered things were dancing about; and Clap! they were all in a pattern. You call it fate, or luck, or destiny, but all the time it is just the preparation of your days on days..
