Ancient Mysteries
The 6th book in a series that first related the Shaver mysteries, experiences, and discoveries to the world.
I have been reading stories by Richard Shaver for many a blue, hollow earth moon. In fact, at the age of 14 I was already a fan of Shaver's. Otherwise, why would I have written my first book on the subject of Shaver and his demented dero? Gray Barker published my initial humble work. The Shaver Mystery and the Inner Earth is still in print as Subterranean Worlds Inside Earth.
I discovered Ray Palmer's science fiction magazine, Other Worlds, in 1954, when the science fiction field was collapsing around our ears and poor old Other Worlds was a weak-kneed shadow of its former self.
The Shaver Mystery is much more than just a fantastic look at a cavern world that Richard Shaver long contended exists beneath us surface dwellers . We are, Shaver always said, talking about more than just the Dero and the Tero and long lost civilizations. Remembering Lemuria is just the tip of the iceberg.
A look at historic ghosts that have raised public attention to these mysteries. Are they explainable by science? or just spiritual apparitions? or both?
EVERYONE has heard of the case of Elizabeth Canning,' writes Mr. John Paget; and till recently I agreed with him. But five or six years ago the case of Elizabeth Canning repeated itself in a marvellous way, and then but few persons of my acquaintance had ever heard of that mysterious girl.
The fame of the ruins at Baalbek in Lebanon once drew many tourists. The Romans eventually built magnificent temples over a massive multi-level platform considered to be one of the only prediluvial sites that survived the flood. Here we find the amazing 1,000-plus ton stones as part of the original temple platform. The largest cranes in the world would have difficulty lifting, let alone moving, these massive limestone blocks.
Written circa 500 B.C., the History of Herodotus is easily one of the most quoted tomes in the study of ancient history. Learn the history of the Ancient worlds of Atlantis, Troy, Egypt, Greece, Lydia, and many, many others.
The earliest history of the Incas collected by the Spanish Europeans. Did the Inca civilization have roots back to Atlantis?
Interesting little book arguing the absurdity of the lost ten tribes of Israel being British.
The last line of the UPI press release says the manuscript would be republished December 1 of 1982. On January 4, 1983, we received word that the publisher had 'changed his mind' and would not reprint the document. No reason was given. So, in the last 50 years this book has been suppressed twice. What forces caused this remain unknown, but if they are that powerful, we have every reason to believe that we'll be hearing from them at a future date.
In this exciting new book, the author, paranormal investigator Brian Allan, describes, analyses, interprets and compares many near identical anomalous phenomena, both in the UK and the USA, that could be interpreted as evidence that a
As theories go, the idea that the Earth is hollow does not garner a lot of respect. For most people, the hollow Earth is probably a close second to the "Earth is flat" theory on that big list of "crack-pot" ideas. Nevertheless, as long as there have been people able to sit around a camp-fire, tales of a mysterious inner world have been part of mankind's heritage.
The ancient legends and myths of the great religions and folk traditions of the world tell us of marvelous things, tales that, until very recently were considered within the realm of fantasy and not reality by the self-anointed "wise" of our rationalist age--cities which were swallowed by the sea, or an engulfing Earth itself; populated underworlds of varied descriptions, some paradisical, others more hellish; non-human beings with the ability to fly, to travel to nearby planets, or under the sea, or beneath the ground, and with an interest, and urge to interfere, in the destiny of human beings or human history.
A Feasibility Study of Possible Hollow Worlds. could the planets Mercury, Venus and Earth be hollow? This may well be the first scholarly & scientific investigation into a factual basis for the hollow planets, which were previously only myths. This 600 page reference book has caught not only the attention of scientists around the world, but media stars such as Jeff Rense of Sighting and Art Bell.