Ancient Mysteries
IF deeper pitfalls are laid by anything more than by the facts of coincidence, it is perhaps by the intimations and suggestions of writings which bear, or are held to bear, on their surface the seals of allegory and, still more, of dual allusion; as in the cases of coincidence, so in these, it is necessary for the historical student to stand zealously on his guard and not to acknowledge second meaning or claims implied, however plausible, unless they are controlled and strengthened by independent evidence.
I, the author, state that this book is absolutely true. Some people who are bogged down in materialism may prefer to consider it as fiction. The choice is yours --believe or disbelieve according to your state of evolution. I am NOT prepared to discuss the matter or to answer questions about it. This book, and ALL my books, are TRUE!
This compendium of alchemist writings assembled by TGS Publishing is indeed a library to behold.
THE HERMETIC MUSEUM represents a distinctive school in Alchemy.
I have frequently been asked, "Why do you take an interest in gypsies?" And it is not so easy to answer. Why, indeed? In Spain one who has been fascinated by them is called one of the aficion, or affection, or "fancy;" he is an aficionado, or affected unto them, and people there know perfectly what it means, for every Spaniard is at heart a Bohemian. 2 BOOKS in 1 VOLUME!
A Biblical Excursion into the Theoretical Origin and Purposes of Extraterrestrials : There is one theory that warrants great consideration. There are those who contend that UFO's are nothing more than our own military implementing top-secret aircraft, many years ahead of the scope and level of present-era technologies. Such super-advanced technology is painstakingly kept from the knowledge of the masses at large. The myth of UFO's is cleverly constructed by the secret sector of the military/industrial-corporation complex to keep the populations of the planet deceived as to the real nature and origin of these contraptions, and its
The Mother of the Gods has birthed itself in every religion, including Christianity. The author researches sources of this mythology.
Conspiracy Journal brings back to print the long needed research of James George Frazer. There is a massive amount of research and analysis in this 225 page reprint! This one should be in the library of every free-thinker and truth-seeker.
"The Pope will never come to the secret societies. It is for the secret societies to come first to the Church; in the resolve to conquer the two ... in order to secure to us a Pope in the manner required, it is necessary to fashion for that Pope a generation worthy of the reign of which we dream.., go to the youth ... in a few years the young clergy will be called upon to choose the Pontiff..."
Rare and powerful legendary power squares which have been handed down for centuries only in sacred volumes used by a few presented by one of the great mystics of our age, Oribello
Human history is a seemingly endless succession of bloody conflicts and devastating turmoil. Yet, inexplicably, in the light of astonishing intellectual and technological advancement, Man's progress has been halted in one crucial area: he still indulges the primitive beast within and makes war upon his neighbors.
This book sets out as forcibly and exactly as possible the religious belief of the writer. That belief is not orthodox Christianity; it is not, indeed, Christianity at all; its core nevertheless is a profound belief in a personal and intimate God. There is nothing in its statements that need shock or offend anyone who is prepared for the expression of a faith different from and perhaps in several particulars opposed to his own. The writer will be found to be sympathetic with all sincere religious feeling. Nevertheless it is well to prepare the prospective reader for statements that may jar harshly against deeply rooted mental habits.
The seeds of the Gnosis were originally of Indian growth, carried so far westward by the influence of that Buddhistic movement which had previously overspread all the East, from Thibet to Ceylon, was the great truth faintly discerned by Matter, but which became evident to me upon acquiring even a slight acquaintance with the chief doctrines of Indian theosophy.
Tracing the origins of mankind through lost and vanished civilizations, including mysterious Atlantis.
As scientists in many parts of the world today are turning their serious attention to the question of the origin and the (possible) continuity of Life, I feel that the time has now arrived when a text-book on the subject of the phenomena, known to investigators as Materialisations
Space travel...Genetic engineering...Computer science...Astounding achievements as new as tomorrow. But stunning recent evidence proves that these ultramodern advances were known to our forefathers millions of yesterdays early as 3,000 years before the birth of Christ!