Ancient Mysteries
The Shaver Mystery is much more than just a fantastic look at a cavern world that Richard Shaver long contended exists beneath us surface dwellers . We are, Shaver always said, talking about more than just the Dero and the Tero and long lost civilizations. Remembering Lemuria is just the tip of the iceberg.
I discovered Ray Palmer's science fiction magazine, Other Worlds, in 1954, when the science fiction field was collapsing around our ears and poor old Other Worlds was a weak-kneed shadow of its former self.
I have been reading stories by Richard Shaver for many a blue, hollow earth moon. In fact, at the age of 14 I was already a fan of Shaver's. Otherwise, why would I have written my first book on the subject of Shaver and his demented dero? Gray Barker published my initial humble work. The Shaver Mystery and the Inner Earth is still in print as Subterranean Worlds Inside Earth.
Reading through the reprints of the Hidden World series has been an incredible experience. Originating in Amazing Stories back in the 1940s, the Shaver Mystery has had a long run, much longer than any TV show or comic book superhero.
The communications in this little volume, purporting to come from disembodied spirits, came in the manner hereinafter stated, and all that I had to do with them was to faithfully and to the letter transcribe them from the slate on which they were written into blank memorandum books which I procured for the purpose.
Before the dawn of history mankind was engaged in the study of dreaming. The wise man among the ancients was pre
A comprehensive history, full of delightful anecdotes, of the types, uses, and abuses of poison. Illustrated with photographs. Sample contents: Poisons used by ancient and primitive races; Superstitions connected with poisonous plants; Some classical poisons and their histories; The Italian school of poisoners; The mystery of Amy Robsart's death; Poisons in fiction; and poison mysteries, which are details of 23 criminal poisonings. This facsimile reprint is from the 1923 original edition. 33 illustrations, many added by TGS Publishing
The author endeavored to sketch some phases of the romance and mystery that have surrounded the arts of medicine, alchemy, and pharmacy from the earliest period of which we have record down to the close of the 18th century. The influence of the past on the present is greater than we commonly suppose. In the age of rapid scientific progress and brilliant research, we are apt to overlook and lose sight of the patient labors of the early pioneers of science.
The seven tracts or treatises before us were published in 1521 in a little quarto volume: "Imprynted at London in Poules chyrchyarde at the sygne of the Trynyte, by Henry Pepwell. In the yere of our lorde God, M.CCCCC.XXI., the xvi. daye of Nouembre."
A look into WHO foretold the fall of this once great city.
Almost every channel you turn on cable television has a show on parapsychology and ghost hunting. Its hard to find a ghost today that can really spook you. Ghosts and psychic phenomenon are so common place that its difficult to be scared by anything out of the norm.
Scotland's famous chapel has yet to be fully explained. It is one of those fantastic mysteries of the Dark Ages. Who built it? why? what is it for? The author suggests there may be reproductions from the Temple of Jerusalem preserved within its architecture.
Discover what facts and legends are known about the Tomb of Alexander, the great emperor of Ancient Greece.
Dana Howard reveals the future of the planet and mankind from her contact with extra-terrestrial aliens in the 1950-60s.
This unique book presents starting new evidence suggesting that there is a very real and breathtaking secret hidden within the structure of the now, near legendary, Rosslyn Chapel situated near Edinburgh, Scotland.