Ancient Mysteries
The great flood has been recorded by ancient civilizations throughout the world. The Bible itself records a revered version of the flood. This Sumerian/Babylonian story predates the authorship of the Biblical story.
Tracing the origins of mankind through lost and vanished civilizations, including mysterious Atlantis.
Jump Start Your Spiritual Economic Stimulus Package : There is a power in the universe. This power is the inexplicable force behind the wonders that early humans encountered. The Earth, the solar systems, the stars - all that is manifest - is a product of this power.
Is the hollow earth Satan's domain and kingdom?
Very little is written about this sacred mountiain, even though it is revered by Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, and Buddhism. This is claimed to be the mount on which God delivered Adam to Earth.
Was Bacon's secret cypher hidden in other books? This little book explores that possibility and provides the author's research into the matter.
Giants did walk this earth in our ancient past. They are recorded and proven in myths, Bible, and archeology.
Little discussed subjects are unearthed and brought to light and studied.
The story of a giant race in South America has been dismissed as myth and hoax by 'the' establishment historians, but these accounts of actual visits and experiences cannot be discounted so easily.
The mysteries of Sri Lanka fascinates anyone that looks into its many ancient civilizations. Sri Lanka could be one of the oldest places on Earth that man developed his societies and the birthplace of the gods.
An eye opener into a topic seldom discussed in public... DEATH. Yet it holds its impending presence over us from birth.
The totem poles dotted the American landscapes for thousands of years. What were they for? What is their meaning? Andrew Lang takes on this research.
Mystical, secretive, philosophical, and prophetic... This book looks into the realm of mysteries that have peaked man's curiosties throughout the ages.
Madam Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine explored as it relates to all the religions of mankind.
Thrice born Hermes is a unique anomoly in the world of mystic literature. Mr. Mead has probably made the most in-depth study of Hermes than any other researcher. Three volumes of facts and details about this man(god?) that has influenced every religion and philosophy.