Ancient Mysteries Unexplained


Nostradamus' Lucky Number & Dream Book
Hollow Planets
Crucifixion of the Truth
Missing Diary of Admiral Richard E. Byrd
Bible Spells
Sealed Magical Book of Moses



Great Flood And Other Myths And Legends Of The Old Testament, The
Catalog #: SKU1723

Conspiracy Journal brings back to print the long needed research of James George Frazer. There is a massive amount of research and analysis in this 225 page reprint! This one should be in the library of every free-thinker and truth-seeker.

Gypsies, The : The English Gypsies and Their Language
Catalog #: SKU1645

I have frequently been asked, "Why do you take an interest in gypsies?" And it is not so easy to answer. Why, indeed? In Spain one who has been fascinated by them is called one of the aficion, or affection, or "fancy;" he is an aficionado, or affected unto them, and people there know perfectly what it means, for every Spaniard is at heart a Bohemian. 2 BOOKS in 1 VOLUME!

Kabbalah or the Religious Philosophy of the Hebrews
Catalog #: SKU1247

A doctrine with more than one point of resemblance to the doctrine of Plato and Spinoza; a doctrine which in its form rises at times to the majestic tone of religious poetry; a doctrine born in the same land, and almost at the same time, as Christianity; a doctrine which developed and spread during a period of more than twelve centuries in the shadow of the most profound mystery, without any supporting evidence other than the testimony of a presumptive ancient tradition, and with no apparent motive than the desire to penetrate more intimately into the meaning of the Sacred Books--such is the doctrine found in the original writings and in the oldest fragments of the Kabbalah

Lost Continent of MU
Catalog #: SKU0235

Mu, the Motherland, a lost culture which was the center of civilization some 25,000 years ago. A vanished continent which sent Colonel James Churchward on a lifetime's search, from the vaults of an Indian temple to Australia, from Siberia to the South Seas.

Phoenician Origin of the Britons, Scots and Anglo-Saxons
Catalog #: SKU0040

The treasures of ancient high art lately unearthed at Luxor have excited the admiring interest of a breathless world, and have awakened more vividly than before a sense of the vast antiquity of the so-called 'Modern Civilization,' as it existed over three thousand year ago in far-off Ancient Egypt and Syria-Phoenicia.

Poison Mysteries in History, Romance and Crime
Catalog #: SKU3137

A comprehensive history, full of delightful anecdotes, of the types, uses, and abuses of poison. Illustrated with photographs. Sample contents: Poisons used by ancient and primitive races; Superstitions connected with poisonous plants; Some classical poisons and their histories; The Italian school of poisoners; The mystery of Amy Robsart's death; Poisons in fiction; and poison mysteries, which are details of 23 criminal poisonings. This facsimile reprint is from the 1923 original edition. 33 illustrations, many added by TGS Publishing

Secret Behind Secret Societies, The (Revised and Updated Edition)
Catalog #: SKU1874

The way of the secret society is a way of life. At its root, it is not grinning skulls and sputtering candles in dark rooms. It is not that provincial.

Secret in the Bible
Catalog #: SKU0700

The lost history of the Giza Plateau and how Temple priests of the Great Pyramid preserved the evidence of life beyond death

Strange Story and Haunted and the Haunter
Catalog #: SKU1220

Lord Lytton is famous for his book "The Coming Race" that included his vision for an energy called 'VRIL power.' The Third Reich was evidently quite aware of Lytton's visions and theories, as they named some of their experimental craft "VRIL". Many other of Lord Lytton's books are merely dismissed as literature or fiction. Though written in fiction prose, his other mysteries and visions are recorded in his less known works. TGS has selected some of these books by Lord Lytton to add to their historical reprints catalog.

Vampire: His Kith and Kin - Volume 1 of Vampire Series
Catalog #: SKU1544

IN all the darkest pages of the malign supernatural there is no more terrible tradition than that of the Vampire, a pariah even among demons. Foul are his ravages; gruesome and seemingly barbaric are the ancient and approved methods by which folk must rid themselves of this hideous pest. Even to-day in certain quarters of the world, in remoter districts of Europe itself, Transylvania, Slavonia, the isles and mountains of Greece, the peasant will take the law into his own bands and utterly destroy the carrion who--as it is yet firmly believed--at night will issue from his unhallowed grave to spread the infection of vampirism throughout the countryside.

Lost Book of Enki
Catalog #: SKU0425

In whose image was Adam made? Over the years, startling evidence has been unearthed, challenging established notions of the origins of Earth and life on it, and suggests the existence of a superiour race of beings who once inhabited our world.

On the Edge of Reality
Catalog #: SKU2679

Beginning in the late 1960s, both Brent Raynes and I started on a parallel quest in hunt of the truth about UFOs. Brent's many early trips included visits and contacts with some of ufology's major figures, people who became his friends, such as Betty Hill, Dr. Berthold Schwarz, and John Keel.

Adam's Peak
Catalog #: SKU2422

Very little is written about this sacred mountiain, even though it is revered by Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, and Buddhism. This is claimed to be the mount on which God delivered Adam to Earth.

Arctic Home In The Vedas
Catalog #: SKU1821

This ignored scientific research was by one of India's political warriors, who dared to confront the British occupation and British destruction of his homeland. He finds that Aryan race of man to be birthed from the Arctic areas of the planet, based on readings in the sacred Vedas...and he backs this with independent and scientfic research.

DARKNESS OF THE GODS and the COMING OF PLANET X : Invisible Islands in the Sky
Catalog #: SKU1948

There is evidence that Planet X is
