Ancient Mysteries Unexplained


Nostradamus' Lucky Number & Dream Book
Hollow Planets
Crucifixion of the Truth
Missing Diary of Admiral Richard E. Byrd
Bible Spells
Sealed Magical Book of Moses



Twin Deception
Catalog #: SKU1520

Reading like a suspense novel, The Twin Deception unlocks the concealed evidence of Jesus' twin brother and reveals how the church contrived for centuries to hide the information from the public.

Terracotta Warriors
Catalog #: SKU1517

Legend has it that in 206BC the first Emperor of Unified China, Ch'in Shi
Huangdi, decreed that after his death his body would be clothed in jade and cast adrift in a lake of Mercury. The lake, within a pyramid, was to be protected by an everlasting army.

Salem Witchcraft
Catalog #: SKU1492

Our ancestors have been visited with unmeasured reproach for their conduct on the occasion. Sad, indeed, was the delusion that came over them, and shocking the extent to which their bewildered imaginations and excited passions hurried and drove them on. Still, however, many considerations deserve to be well weighed before sentence is passed upon them.

Catalog #: SKU1481

Could Mary Magdalene have been Jesus' wife and the one who enlightened him? William Henry has been doing historical and mythological detective work on the suppressed secrets of Jesus and Mary Magdalene for more than 20 years. Now, he goes beyond THE DA VINCI CODE and HOLY BLOOD-HOLY GRAIL and pierces the veil of mysteries enshrouding this intriguing pair.

Anti-Gravity and the Unified Field
Catalog #: SKU1480

Is Einstein's Unified Field Theory the answer to all of our energy problems? Explored in this compilation of material is how gravity, electricity and magnetism manifest from a unified field around us. Why artificial gravity is possible; secrets of UFO propulsion; free energy; Nikola Tesla and anti-gravity airships of the 20s and 30s; flying saucers as superconducting whirls of plasma; anti-mass generators; vortex propulsion; suppressed technology; government cover-ups; gravitational pulse drive; spacecraft & more.

Christmas In Ritual and Tradition
Catalog #: SKU1454

I have tried to show how Christmas is or has been kept in various lands and ages, and to trace as far as possible the origin of the pagan elements that have mingled with the Church's feast of the Nativity.

Animal Figures In The Maya Codices
Catalog #: SKU1452

The various peoples inhabiting Mexico and Central America in early pre-Columbian times were accustomed to record various events, especially in regard to their calendar and the religious ceremonials in relation to it, on long strips of skin or bark. These were usually painted on both sides and folded together like a screen. Several of these codices are still in existence from the Nahua and Zapotec areas in Mexico, but only three have come down to us from the Maya region which is included in the peninsula of Yucatan, the states of Tabasco and Chiapas in Mexico, and portions of Guatemala and Honduras.

Rosicrucians : Their Rites and Mysteries
Catalog #: SKU1422

THIS book, which now leaves our hands, concentrates in a small compass -the results of very considerable labour, and the diligent study of very many books in languages living and dead. it purports to be a history (for the first time treated seriously in English) of the famous Order of the 'Rose-Cross', or of the 'Rosicrucians'.

Real History of the Rosicrucians
Catalog #: SKU1421

BENEATH the broad tide of human history there flow the stealthy undercurrents of the secret societies, which frequently determine in the depths the changes that take place upon the surface. These societies have existed in all ages and among all nations, and tradition has invariably ascribed to them the possession of important knowledge in the religious scientific or political order according to the various character of their pretensions.

Religion of Numa, The
Catalog #: SKU1420

HIS little book tries to tell the story of the religious life of the Romans from the time when their history begins for us until the close of the reign of Augustus. Each of its five essays deals with a distinct period and is in a sense complete in itself; but the dramatic development inherent in the whole forbids their separation save as acts or chapters. In spite of modern interest in the study of religion, Roman religion has been in general relegated to specialists in ancient history and classics.

Historical Mysteries
Catalog #: SKU1419

EVERYONE has heard of the case of Elizabeth Canning,' writes Mr. John Paget; and till recently I agreed with him. But five or six years ago the case of Elizabeth Canning repeated itself in a marvellous way, and then but few persons of my acquaintance had ever heard of that mysterious girl.

Hidden Church of the Holy Graal
Catalog #: SKU1418

IF deeper pitfalls are laid by anything more than by the facts of coincidence, it is perhaps by the intimations and suggestions of writings which bear, or are held to bear, on their surface the seals of allegory and, still more, of dual allusion; as in the cases of coincidence, so in these, it is necessary for the historical student to stand zealously on his guard and not to acknowledge second meaning or claims implied, however plausible, unless they are controlled and strengthened by independent evidence.

Te Pito Te Henua : Easter Island
Catalog #: SKU1416

The honor of the discovery of Easter Island is contested by several of the earlier voyagers in the Pacific. Spanish writers claim that the island was sighted by Mendana in 1566, but the account is by no means authenticated, and the records preserved are not sufficiently accurate to determine the exact track sailed over by that ancient mariner.

ARADIA the Gospel of the Witches
Catalog #: SKU1412

For brief explanation I may say that witch craft is known to its votaries as la vecchia religione, or the old religion, of which Diana is the Goddess, her daughter Aradia (or Herodias) the female Messiah, and that this little work sets forth how the latter was born, came down to earth, established witches and witchcraft, and then returned to heaven.

Twelve Keys
Catalog #: SKU1411

In the preface, gentle Reader, and zealous Student of this Art, I promised to communicate to you a knowledge of our Corner Stone, or Rock, of the process by which it is prepared, and of the substance from which it was already derived by those ancient Sages, to whom the secret of our Art was first revealed by God for the health and happiness of earthly life.
