Ancient Mysteries Unexplained


Nostradamus' Lucky Number & Dream Book
Hollow Planets
Crucifixion of the Truth
Missing Diary of Admiral Richard E. Byrd
Bible Spells
Sealed Magical Book of Moses



Sacred Chants of the Navajo : Mountain Chant: A Navajo Ceremony
Catalog #: SKU1812

The First Americans used chants and dances for prophecy, medicine, make changes to the weather, and calls to the gods or prayers, similar to the methods used in Buddhism and Hinduism. Yet little in depth study has been accomplished on the First American practices, as has been done in the Asian religions.

Sacred Book of Death
Catalog #: SKU2466

An eye opener into a topic seldom discussed in public... DEATH. Yet it holds its impending presence over us from birth.

Ruined Cities of Ceylon
Catalog #: SKU2465

The mysteries of Sri Lanka fascinates anyone that looks into its many ancient civilizations. Sri Lanka could be one of the oldest places on Earth that man developed his societies and the birthplace of the gods.

Ruin of Britain : Penitential, Lorica Of Gildas
Catalog #: SKU1281

IN the present edition, it is intended to publish in a collected form the works ascribed to Gildas for which, roughly speaking, a date is assigned during the twenty years that elapsed between A.D. 540 and 560. The earliest references to Gildas that have come down to us are the two made by Columbanus in his letter to St. Gregory the Great, which must have been written between thirty and forty years after the death of the British writer (i.e., A.D. 595-600).

ROSSLYN: The Chapel, Castle, and Scenic Lore
Catalog #: SKU2801

Scotland's famous chapel has yet to be fully explained. It is one of those fantastic mysteries of the Dark Ages. Who built it? why? what is it for? The author suggests there may be reproductions from the Temple of Jerusalem preserved within its architecture.

Rosslyn Chapel: LARGE PRINT EDITION: Occult Secrets and Esoteric Treasures Revealed
Catalog #: SKU2772

This unique book presents starting new evidence suggesting that there is a very real and breathtaking secret hidden within the structure of the now, near legendary, Rosslyn Chapel situated near Edinburgh, Scotland.

Rosslyn : Between Two Worlds
Catalog #: SKU1372

This unique book presents starting new evidence suggesting that there is a very real and breathtaking secret hidden within the structure of the now, near legendary, Rosslyn Chapel situated near Edinburgh, Scotland.

Rosicrucians : Their Rites and Mysteries
Catalog #: SKU1422

THIS book, which now leaves our hands, concentrates in a small compass -the results of very considerable labour, and the diligent study of very many books in languages living and dead. it purports to be a history (for the first time treated seriously in English) of the famous Order of the 'Rose-Cross', or of the 'Rosicrucians'.

Religion of Numa, The
Catalog #: SKU1420

HIS little book tries to tell the story of the religious life of the Romans from the time when their history begins for us until the close of the reign of Augustus. Each of its five essays deals with a distinct period and is in a sense complete in itself; but the dramatic development inherent in the whole forbids their separation save as acts or chapters. In spite of modern interest in the study of religion, Roman religion has been in general relegated to specialists in ancient history and classics.

Records of the Ancient Past
Catalog #: SKU3567

CHRONOLOGY is the skeleton of history, and until we can find the correct chronological place for a historical monument it loses a large part of its value. Thanks to the lists of the so-called eponyms, by means of whom the Assyrians dated their years, the chronology of the Assyrian kings has long since been placed upon a satisfactory footing as far back as the tenth century before our era.

Reality of the Inner Earth
Catalog #: SKU1551

The world as you know it is one big lie. Everything that you thought was true is a lie. History as you know it, is a lie. Forget about the Bible and other Holy books, they too are all lies. Now take awhile to let that all sink in, as it is a lot to contemplate. It took me years to come to grips with these incredible truths

Real Life Stories
Catalog #: SKU1406

The Most Interesting Stories of All Nations : A collection of real life and unusual stories.

Real History of the Rosicrucians
Catalog #: SKU1421

BENEATH the broad tide of human history there flow the stealthy undercurrents of the secret societies, which frequently determine in the depths the changes that take place upon the surface. These societies have existed in all ages and among all nations, and tradition has invariably ascribed to them the possession of important knowledge in the religious scientific or political order according to the various character of their pretensions.

Rampa Story, The
Catalog #: SKU1563

Few books have aroused more controversy in recent years than Lobsang Rampa's THE THIRD EYE, and the other works which have come from his pen.
The reason is simple enough. When an Englishman claims that his body has been taken over by the spirit of a Tibetan Lama, he can reasonably expect mockery.

Quest for the Inner Earth
Catalog #: SKU0784

We have nothing to fear. The 'dragon' has already been slain on the inner planes, but, like all beings of the lizard family, it still has the propensity to flail its tail around to do as much damage as possible before it takes its last breath. I believe its breath is already becoming shallow and divine intervention is standing by."
