Ancient Mysteries
Spirit-Soul Mates: their pre-existence, sex life, marriage, divorce, Earth pilgrimages, and reunions.
Mystical, secretive, philosophical, and prophetic... This book looks into the realm of mysteries that have peaked man's curiosties throughout the ages.
Exhaustive study into sorcery, magic, witchcraft, demons, and satan, especially as these beliefs affected history.
Are mediums frauds? The Bible didn't think so..... Read of the spirit manifestations of one of the 'valid' spiritualists of the early 1900s. A lot of 'food for thought' here.
How is it possible for the secret traditions of an African tribe to contain detailed data on the star Sirius which modern astronomers have only just discovered? Why can this strange information be traced back to the even older civilisations of Sumer and Egypt? The most ancient and sacred traditions of the Dogon tribe in West Africa maintain that the existence of civilisation on earth is a result of contact from inhabitants of a planet in the system of the star Sirius.
Exposed at last is a subject surrounded in mystery and controversy. Are we living in the time of Biblical Prophecy? The Reign of the Anti-Christ? And the Battle of Armageddon?
A revelation of those 'secret' signs and symbols of Masonry.
A look at the historical evidences with a psychic interpretation for the reasons and missing facts behind this crime of the century, that shocked the world.
The researches and explorations of travelers, scientists and learned investigators, are every day adding to our knowledge of the Serpent-Cultus. It is rising above the old conception of an obscure and ill-defined superstition, to the dimensions of a religion, distinctly outlined in its characteristic features, and by no means without a recondite metaphysical basis.
A practical guide to those who aspire to Clairvoyant-Absolute
This is scanned facsimile of the original book printed in 1911. We make no apologies for the stray marks, occasional lines, or for the quality of the pages herein. It was a great task, taking hundreds of hours to scan and prepare this book for reprint. The original pages were yellowed with age and very brittle.
Magick has been with us since the beginning of time. When man first became aware of himself and his surroundings, he looked up into the heavens and saw the ultimate energies that permeate the universe. The first priests and shamans realized that this universal energy also courses through the very being of all that inhabit this universe, and the infinite number of universes that make up creation.
They appear at night, complex designs mysteriously imprinted on fields of almost ripened grain. Nobody knows how they got there, or why. They leave the grain stalks in swirls, virtually undamaged. They exhibit mathematical precision. They demonstrate principles of geometry. They portray ancient religious symbols.
The Secret Space Program is among the most clandestine efforts ever undertaken and the questions are many as to who is responsible for its adaptation. Did the aliens establish colonies on the Lunar and Martian surfaces that we have seen and photographed despite attempts by NASA to eradicate them from photographic prints?
A comprehensive encyclopedic style reference of every secret society and fraternity the author could uncover.