Ancient Mysteries
This unique book presents starting new evidence suggesting that there is a very real and breathtaking secret hidden within the structure of the now, near legendary, Rosslyn Chapel situated near Edinburgh, Scotland.
This groundbreaking book reveals to the world for the first time original new information about the emergence of the New Testament and its story of Jesus Christ. It provides historical evidence showing not only vital ancient manuscripts been hidden from the public domain but also other sensitive and associated Biblical material has been purposely withheld or suppressed from the general populace.
This work now recovers for us those epoch-making culture heroes who originated civilization, with their long-lost real names, personalities and authentic records of achievements and exploits, as truly historical kings of fixed dates, who have left us many of their actual contemporary inscribed monuments, along with full lists of their early kings and dynasties with their regnal years, extending continuously back to the rise of civilization; for they are disclosed as being already at that epoch a scientific people, accustomed to writing and calculation by calendar years and possessed of a keen historical sense.
The treasures of ancient high art lately unearthed at Luxor have excited the admiring interest of a breathless world, and have awakened more vividly than before a sense of the vast antiquity of the so-called 'Modern Civilization,' as it existed over three thousand year ago in far-off Ancient Egypt and Syria-Phoenicia.
Dr. DeMeo's long-awaited book on the origins of human armoring: the first geographical, cross-cultural study of human behavior around the world using Wilhelm Reich's sex-economic discoveries as a basic starting point, and presenting world maps of different social institutions. Source-regions and migratory diffusion patterns were traced, back in time, to pinpoint where and how the human tragedy began. A breakthrough in the scientific study of human psychology and anthropology, and must-reading for every parent, student, professor and clinical worker in the field of human health and behavior.
This is scanned facsimile of the original book printed in 1911. We make no apologies for the stray marks, occasional lines, or for the quality of the pages herein. It was a great task, taking hundreds of hours to scan and prepare this book for reprint. The original pages were yellowed with age and very brittle.
Reading like a suspense novel, The Twin Deception unlocks the concealed evidence of Jesus' twin brother and reveals how the church contrived for centuries to hide the information from the public.
Yesterday's X Files - An enthralling journey through the past to a new vision of the UFO phenomenon. Not since Jacques Vallee's legendary Passport to Magonia has an author tackled the fact that UFO sightings and close encounters have been a part of human history for millennia with such expertise. This book is an absolute must for anybody who's curious about unexplained phenomena.
One-third of your life is spent in the dream world where your subconscious is delivering messages in symbolic language. While your body rests, your dreams are dealing with your fears, frustrations and hopes. Your dreams are sending you messages about your past, present and future that can help you in your waking hours. Learn what these dream messages say about love, success, numbers and money.
Madam Blavatsky's Secret Doctrine explored as it relates to all the religions of mankind.
THIS book, which now leaves our hands, concentrates in a small compass -the results of very considerable labour, and the diligent study of very many books in languages living and dead. it purports to be a history (for the first time treated seriously in English) of the famous Order of the 'Rose-Cross', or of the 'Rosicrucians'.
CHRONOLOGY is the skeleton of history, and until we can find the correct chronological place for a historical monument it loses a large part of its value. Thanks to the lists of the so-called eponyms, by means of whom the Assyrians dated their years, the chronology of the Assyrian kings has long since been placed upon a satisfactory footing as far back as the tenth century before our era.
The Babylonian and Assyrian Legends Concerning the Creation of the World
and of Mankind. This is one of the oldest stories known to mankind, first written down by the ancient Sumerians thousands of years ago. It is receiving renewed interest from modern researchers exploring the origins of mankind, the earth, and the solar system. The story reveals how the planets became aligned, how a cosmic catastrophe affected the earth, how mankind came upon the scene, and how the
IF deeper pitfalls are laid by anything more than by the facts of coincidence, it is perhaps by the intimations and suggestions of writings which bear, or are held to bear, on their surface the seals of allegory and, still more, of dual allusion; as in the cases of coincidence, so in these, it is necessary for the historical student to stand zealously on his guard and not to acknowledge second meaning or claims implied, however plausible, unless they are controlled and strengthened by independent evidence.
This book is a reprint of the annotated version of the Case For The UFO, which has been dubbed the VARO Edition because of his notes for this outside group who could possibly be extraterrestrials according to one theory.