Ancient Mysteries Unexplained


Nostradamus' Lucky Number & Dream Book
Hollow Planets
Crucifixion of the Truth
Missing Diary of Admiral Richard E. Byrd
Bible Spells
Sealed Magical Book of Moses



Elizabethan Demonology
Catalog #: SKU1349

An Essay in Illustration of the Belief in the Existence of Devils, and the Powers Possessed By Them, as It Was Generally Held during the Period of the Reformation, and the Times Immediately Succeeding; with Special Reference to Shakspere and His Works.

Exploring Inner and Outer Space
Catalog #: SKU0604

From the ashram of India's Satya Sai Baba to the Princeton University laboratories of Dr. Robert Jahn, Dr. O'Leary provides firsthand accounts of materializations, controlled experiments in psychokinesis, the mysterious crop circles, and other enigmatic occurrences. A co-founder of the International Association for New Science, he argues for an expanded scientific framework that can encompass this challenging spectrum of phenomena and lead us to new understandings that may solve our most urgent problems.

God the Invisible King
Catalog #: SKU1109

This book sets out as forcibly and exactly as possible the religious belief of the writer. That belief is not orthodox Christianity; it is not, indeed, Christianity at all; its core nevertheless is a profound belief in a personal and intimate God. There is nothing in its statements that need shock or offend anyone who is prepared for the expression of a faith different from and perhaps in several particulars opposed to his own. The writer will be found to be sympathetic with all sincere religious feeling. Nevertheless it is well to prepare the prospective reader for statements that may jar harshly against deeply rooted mental habits.

Great Mother of the Gods
Catalog #: SKU2556

The Mother of the Gods has birthed itself in every religion, including Christianity. The author researches sources of this mythology.

Catalog #: SKU1266

A Biblical Excursion into the Theoretical Origin and Purposes of Extraterrestrials : There is one theory that warrants great consideration. There are those who contend that UFO's are nothing more than our own military implementing top-secret aircraft, many years ahead of the scope and level of present-era technologies. Such super-advanced technology is painstakingly kept from the knowledge of the masses at large. The myth of UFO's is cleverly constructed by the secret sector of the military/industrial-corporation complex to keep the populations of the planet deceived as to the real nature and origin of these contraptions, and its

Journey of Souls
Catalog #: SKU0664

After reading Journey of Souls, you will acquire a better understanding of the immortality of the human soul. Plus, you will meet day-to-day personal challenges with a greater sense of purpose as you begin to understand the reasons behind events in your own life.

Lore of the Unicorn
Catalog #: SKU3888

WE may never know precisely when or where or how the legend of the unicorn began. It pervades recorded time and may be dimly visible even in the clouds that hover just above history's sunrise.

Magic of Our Universe
Catalog #: SKU0145

The Magic of Our Universe is an interactive reference manual of the fascinating anomalies pervading our universal living space. Categories include: Extraterrestrial life

Masih Hindustan mein : Jesus in India
Catalog #: SKU1278

Jesus in India is an English version of Masih Hindustan mein, an Urdu treatise written by the Holy Founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835 - 1908). The main thesis expounded in the treatise is Jesus' escape from an ignominious death on the Cross and his subsequent journey to India in quest of the lost tribes of Israel whom he had to gather into his fold as mentioned in the New Testament.

Missing Diary of Admiral Richard E. Byrd
Catalog #: SKU1530

The great explorer's "missing journal" describing his mysterious voyage inside the earth which was never revealed to the public. Byrd says he found a great land beyond the pole that was NOT covered in ice, where he met beings of a super nature.

New Pearl of Great Price, The
Catalog #: SKU3725

"The Pearl of Great Price," as written by Bonus of Ferrara, and edited by Janus Lacinius. In the first place, it is one of the earliest works printed on alchemy, and the original is a very beautiful specimen of typography. Concerning the latter point, it is only necessary to say that it was issued from the press of Aldus, appearing in 1546.

Of Heaven and Earth
Catalog #: SKU0186

The Ultimate Human Experience The interaction between mankind and spiritual beings - of Divine Encounters -- as recorded in scriptures and ancient texts provides a powerful drama that spans Heaven and Earth, involving worship and devotion, eternity and mortality, love and sex, jealousy and murder. But how much of these are based on real happenings and how much is based on myth?

Q.E.D. : New Light on the Doctrine of Creation
Catalog #: SKU1359

The great world disaster, ushered in with the dawn of that August morning in 1914, has already brought revolutionary changes in many departments of our thinking. But not the least of the surprises awaiting an amazed world, whenever attention can again be directed to such subjects, will be the realization that we have now definitely outgrown many notions in science and philosophy which in the old order of things were supposed to have been eternally settled.

Solid Proofs of Survival
Catalog #: SKU1907

Are mediums frauds? The Bible didn't think so..... Read of the spirit manifestations of one of the 'valid' spiritualists of the early 1900s. A lot of 'food for thought' here.

Temple of Solomon
Catalog #: SKU2537

The importance of the Temple of Solomon to Freemasonry from a biblical and historical standpoint.
