Ancient Mysteries Unexplained


Nostradamus' Lucky Number & Dream Book
Hollow Planets
Crucifixion of the Truth
Missing Diary of Admiral Richard E. Byrd
Bible Spells
Sealed Magical Book of Moses



Secrets of the Vatican
Catalog #: SKU1409

This is scanned facsimile of the original book printed in 1911. We make no apologies for the stray marks, occasional lines, or for the quality of the pages herein. It was a great task, taking hundreds of hours to scan and prepare this book for reprint. The original pages were yellowed with age and very brittle.

Real Life Stories
Catalog #: SKU1406

The Most Interesting Stories of All Nations : A collection of real life and unusual stories.

Rosslyn : Between Two Worlds
Catalog #: SKU1372

This unique book presents starting new evidence suggesting that there is a very real and breathtaking secret hidden within the structure of the now, near legendary, Rosslyn Chapel situated near Edinburgh, Scotland.

Vanished Races
Catalog #: SKU1364

THIS volume the author has sought to lay before the reader a description of life and times lying beyond the light of history. This is indeed an extensive subject, and calls for some explanation, both as to the general design of the work and what steps have been taken to secure correct information.

Tea Cup Reading : Fortune Telling by Tea Leaves
Catalog #: SKU1361

It is somewhat curious that among the great number of books on occult science and all forms of divination which have been published in the English language there should be none dealing exclusively with the Tea-cup Reading and the Art of Telling Fortunes by the Tea-leaves: notwithstanding that it is one of the most common forms of divination practised by the peasants of Scotland and by village fortune-tellers in all parts of this country.

Q.E.D. : New Light on the Doctrine of Creation
Catalog #: SKU1359

The great world disaster, ushered in with the dawn of that August morning in 1914, has already brought revolutionary changes in many departments of our thinking. But not the least of the surprises awaiting an amazed world, whenever attention can again be directed to such subjects, will be the realization that we have now definitely outgrown many notions in science and philosophy which in the old order of things were supposed to have been eternally settled.

Elizabethan Demonology
Catalog #: SKU1349

An Essay in Illustration of the Belief in the Existence of Devils, and the Powers Possessed By Them, as It Was Generally Held during the Period of the Reformation, and the Times Immediately Succeeding; with Special Reference to Shakspere and His Works.

Dream Psychology : Psychoanalysis For Beginners
Catalog #: SKU1299

The words "dream interpretation" were and still are indeed fraught with unpleasant, unscientific associations. They remind one of all sorts of childish, superstitious notions, which make up the thread and woof of dream books, read by none but the ignorant and the primitive.

Book of Were Wolves
Catalog #: SKU1289

"Picou tells me that he saw the were-wolf only this day se'nnight," said a peasant; "he was down by the hedge of his buckwheat field, and the sun had set, and he was thinking of coming home, when he heard a rustle on the far side of the hedge. He looked over, and there stood the wolf as big as a calf against the horizon, its tongue out, and its eyes glaring like marsh-fires. Mon Dieu! catch me going over the marais to-night. Why, what could two men do if they were attacked by that wolf-fiend?"

Books of Enoch Large Print Edition
Catalog #: SKU1285

Enoch 1: Translated by R.H. Charles & Richard Laurence : Enoch 2: "Secrets of Enoch" : These books were denounced, banned, cursed, no doubt burned and shredded-and last but not least, lost (and conveniently forgotten) for a thousand years. But with an uncanny persistence, the Book of Enoch found its way back into circulation two centuries ago.

Ruin of Britain : Penitential, Lorica Of Gildas
Catalog #: SKU1281

IN the present edition, it is intended to publish in a collected form the works ascribed to Gildas for which, roughly speaking, a date is assigned during the twenty years that elapsed between A.D. 540 and 560. The earliest references to Gildas that have come down to us are the two made by Columbanus in his letter to St. Gregory the Great, which must have been written between thirty and forty years after the death of the British writer (i.e., A.D. 595-600).

Masih Hindustan mein : Jesus in India
Catalog #: SKU1278

Jesus in India is an English version of Masih Hindustan mein, an Urdu treatise written by the Holy Founder of the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835 - 1908). The main thesis expounded in the treatise is Jesus' escape from an ignominious death on the Cross and his subsequent journey to India in quest of the lost tribes of Israel whom he had to gather into his fold as mentioned in the New Testament.

Feminine Books of the Bible
Catalog #: SKU1269

The Feminine Aspect of the Scriptures was removed from the Protestant Bible in 1826 : Larger Print! Judith - Susanna - Esther - These books were removed or altered. The heroines and female leaders hidden from teachings to Christians. Part of the Apocrypha removed from Protestant Bibles in 1826.

Books of Esdras
Catalog #: SKU1268

SCARCELY any department of theological science has, in the last few decades, received such marked attention and cultivation as that branch for which the Germans have adopted the felicitous appellation Neutestamentliche Zeitgeschichte,-the study of the age of Christ in its political, social, and religious aspects. The Schodde Translation of the Book of Enoch of 1882.

Catalog #: SKU1266

A Biblical Excursion into the Theoretical Origin and Purposes of Extraterrestrials : There is one theory that warrants great consideration. There are those who contend that UFO's are nothing more than our own military implementing top-secret aircraft, many years ahead of the scope and level of present-era technologies. Such super-advanced technology is painstakingly kept from the knowledge of the masses at large. The myth of UFO's is cleverly constructed by the secret sector of the military/industrial-corporation complex to keep the populations of the planet deceived as to the real nature and origin of these contraptions, and its
