The Law
U.S. Law
I heartily accept the motto, "That government is best which governs least"; and I should like to see it acted up to more rapidly and systematically.
This rare treatise was written by Missouri Judge E. A. Meany. The treatise was an open challenge to the lies being espoused by President Lincoln and the so-called perpetual unionist of the day.
The doctrine of unconstitutional coercion by force was true nature of the American Civil War.
State sovereignty is voided without its right to secede and coercion only proves that the state's sovereignty has been stolen.
A short view of the corporate person in law and life.
The author against Southern secession, does admit it is the right of states to secede.
This U.S. Senator explains why the states of the compact forming the Union have the legitimate and constitutional right to secede from the USA.