The Law
U.S. Law
A very limited number of American citizens know what is contained in the Constitution of the United States. However, the priceless value of the Constitution will dawn upon all without exception if, through shortsighted governmental leadership, faulty legislative enactments and devious court decisions, we irrevocably depart from its spirit and provisions. Then it will be too late to retrieve the freedom and liberty guaranteed under this remarkable document...
The making of a last will and testament is one of the most solemn acts of a man's life. Few are so frivolous and indifferent as not to realize the importance of an act which is to live after them, and survive long after the hand that traced it has mingled with its kindred dust. They feel that, however regardless people have been of their sayings and doings, however trivial and unimportant have been their acts in the eyes of others, a certain attention, respect, and weight will be given to so deliberate and serious an act as a man's will.
As far as this book is concerned, the public may Take It, or the public may Let It Alone. But the authors feel it their duty to say that no deductions as to their own private habits are to be made from the story here offered. With its composition they have beguiled the moments of the valley of the shadow.
The public will forgive this being only a brief preface, for at the moment of writing the time is short. Wishing you a Merry Abstinence, and looking forward to meeting you some day in Europe.
This book warns from our past about the current consition of US affairs today. Mr. Nock's warnings on the loss of our liberty, our freedoms, our rights haunt us today from his own 'cry' from the wilderness in 1935. An important book for any patriot truthseeker! The true enemy of the people is always the state that has continued unchecked from its 'self-protecting' attitude and starts recreating the tyranny against its own citizens.
During the forty-five years since Back to the Republic was first published in 1918, problems confronting our great Republic -- which the author, Harry Atwood, recognized as inimical to the interests of liberty and freedom -- have ripened into a constitutional crisis.
I have paid no poll-tax for six years. I was put into a jail once on this account, for one night; and, as I stood considering the walls of solid stone, two or three feet thick, the door of wood and iron, a foot thick, and the iron grating which strained the light, I could not help being struck with the foolishness of that institution which treated me as if I were mere flesh and blood and bones, to be locked up.
The market prices of commodities vary from day to day and often several times a day. This occurs when there is no radical difference in the proportion of the supply and the natural demand. This fact is conclusive proof that our system is controlled by manipulators and fundamentally wrong. I have sought to elucidate this problem within this volume and have suggested a plan which if adopted would make the people the master of the world, instead of the present master-THE MONEY TRUST.
WHO are right, the idealists or the materialists? The question once stated in this way hesitation becomes impossible. Undoubtedly the idealists are wrong and the materialists right.
"The Pope will never come to the secret societies. It is for the secret societies to come first to the Church; in the resolve to conquer the two ... in order to secure to us a Pope in the manner required, it is necessary to fashion for that Pope a generation worthy of the reign of which we dream.., go to the youth ... in a few years the young clergy will be called upon to choose the Pontiff..."
The Laws of England may aptly enough be divided into two Kinds, viz. Lex Scripta, the written Law: and Lex non Scripta, the unwritten Law: For although (as shall be shewn hereafter) all the Laws of this Kingdom have some Monuments or Memorials thereof in Writing, yet all of them have not their Original in Writing; for some of those Laws have obtain'd their Force by immemorial Usage or Custom, and such Laws are properly call'd Leges non Scriptae, or unwritten Laws or Customs.
Peer behind the scenes of America's city of sin and corruption, Washington, D.C.
A record of an infamous trial in Cleveland, Ohio, by the defendant accused of the murder of his lover in his adulterous affair. Direct scan of the 1866 printing of a newsprint type publication.
This review of Judge Story's Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States is perhaps the ablest analysis of the nature and character of the Federal Government that has ever been published. It has remained unanswered. Indeed, we are not aware that any attempt has been made to invalidate the soundness of its reasoning.
An objection to the Jackson's proclamation making the President the king of the colonies, reducing the states to serfs of a federal monarchy.
A series of letters proving the illegal imprisonment of people in the North, during the illegal US federal war against the South