The Law
U.S. Law
A study into the relationship of passions turning into insaniy then to criminal acts.
This booklet is a blast from the past, but interesting reading if only to compare the government today in Washington DC, to the fear-mongering propaganda against Communism. It would seem on many levels we have become what we feared.
An excellent book showing that the Southern States stood up for the American constitution, republican form of government, and the American dream, while the Northern states destroyed what little was left of 'a government of the people'.
A look at human sexuality from social, cultural, medical, and legal aspects.
Conspiracies revealed and historic information about the mechanisms used.
The modern State is the distinctive product of a unique civilization. But it is a product which is still in the making, and a part of the process is a struggle between new and old principles of social order. To understand the new, which is our main purpose, we must first cast a glance at the old. We must understand what the social structure was, which-mainly, as I shall show, under the inspiration of Liberal ideas
A Chronicle of the Organized Wage-Earners - Three momentous things symbolize the era that begins its cycle with the memorable year of 1776: the Declaration of Independence, the steam engine, and Adam Smith's book, "The Wealth of Nations." The Declaration gave birth to a new nation, whose millions of acres of free land were to shift the economic equilibrium of the world; the engine multiplied man's productivity a thousandfold and uprooted in a generation the customs of centuries; the book gave to statesmen a new view of economic affairs and profoundly influenced the course of international trade relations.
This book makes no pretense of giving to the world a new theory of the intellectual operations. Its claim to attention, if it possess any, is grounded on the fact that it is an attempt, not to supersede, but to embody and systematize, the best ideas which have been either promulgated on its subject by speculative writers, or conformed to by accurate thinkers in their scientific inquiries.
A Study Of The Constitution: Its Origin, Influence And Relation To Democracy : It is the purpose of this volume to trace the influence of our constitutional system upon the political conditions which exist in this country to-day. This phase of our political problems has not received adequate recognition at the hands of writers on American politics.
The genius of revolution presided at the birth of the American Republic, whose first breath was drawn amid the economic, social and political turmoil of the eighteenth century. The voyaging and discovering of the three preceding centuries had destroyed European isolation and laid the foundation for a new world order of society.
Understand the laws which are 'supposedly' governing the interaction between nations.
Exhaustive and comprehensive challenge to the US's illegal war on the Southern Confederacy.
The author against Southern secession, does admit it is the right of states to secede.
State sovereignty is voided without its right to secede and coercion only proves that the state's sovereignty has been stolen.
This U.S. Senator explains why the states of the compact forming the Union have the legitimate and constitutional right to secede from the USA.