Spirituality-Religions Theosophical


Venerable Brotherhood of India : Modern World Movements
Angelic Revelations
Who Answers Prayer?
Basis of Morality
Building of the Kosmos



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Who Answers Prayer?
Catalog #: SKU2702

An eternal question of the ages, that every religion claims the answer and proprietorship of.

Venerable Brotherhood of India : Modern World Movements
Catalog #: SKU2751

Freemasonry and theosophy traced back into ancient India's esoteric traditions.

Three Paths To Union With God
Catalog #: SKU4091

Again this master teacher in few words, adeptly explains the Three Paths or Three Margas; Karma, Jnana, and Bhakti (Action, Wisdom, Devotion).

Thought Forms
Catalog #: SKU1055

It is our earnest hope-as it is our belief-that this little book will serve as a striking moral lesson to every reader, making him realise the nature and power of his thoughts, acting as a stimulus to the noble, a curb on the base. With this belief and hope we send it on its way.

Theory Of Knowledge, A
Catalog #: SKU1712

When we find Science, which has done so much and promised so much for the happiness of mankind, devoting so large a proportion of its resources to the destruction of human life, we are prone to ask despairingly-Is this the end?

Textbook of Theosophy
Catalog #: SKU1362

We often speak of Theosophy as not in itself a religion, but the truth which lies behind all religions alike. That is so; yet, from another point of view, we may surely say that it is at once a philosophy, a religion and a science. It is a philosophy, because it puts plainly before us an explanation of the scheme of evolution of both the souls and the bodies contained in our solar system.

Study in Karma
Catalog #: SKU4109

Ms. Besant teaches how Karma is affecting mankind in all world events.

Study In Consciousness
Catalog #: SKU4085

From her Theosophical and Hindu philosophies, Ms. Besant, a great mystic in her own right, teaches how consciousness is the source of all matter and creation.

Star Circle Series
Catalog #: SKU1915

There is no system of religion or philosophy, no new theory or science that Spiritualism does not embrace. It has obtained a foothold among men that no other religion or science has been able to reach in regard to a future life.

Srimad Bhagavad Gita
Catalog #: SKU4082

A beautiful way to present the Bhavagad Gita: The English translation alongside the Sanskrit text.

Songs of the Master: Bhavagad Gita (Large Print)
Catalog #: SKU4112

A good translation of the Bhagavad Gita, with its history, and explanations of its meanings.

Songs of the Master: Bhavagad Gita
Catalog #: SKU4111

A good translation of the Bhagavad Gita, with its history, and explanations of its meanings.

Six Theosophic Points
Catalog #: SKU3147

An Open Gate of all the Secrets of Life Wherein the Causes of all Beings Become Known; Six Mystical Points

Seven Principles of Man
Catalog #: SKU4103

From the mystic lady of few words, the highly esoteric views of man in his universe.

Secret Doctrine of Israel, The
Catalog #: SKU1872

An in depth look and research into the Judaism's Secret Doctrines, commonly referred to as the Kaballah. Arthur Waite was an avid and capable student of the 'mysteries' and his studies into the Secret Doctrine reveal more than most modern writers on the subject.

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