Spirituality-Religions Theosophical


Venerable Brotherhood of India : Modern World Movements
Angelic Revelations
Who Answers Prayer?
Basis of Morality
Building of the Kosmos



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Catalog #: SKU4113

Ms. Besant teaches why initiation is an important step into the mysteries.

Investigations into the Super-Physical
Catalog #: SKU4104

Intuitional and astral travel is believed to be the future science, and how man finds his place in the universe of creation.

Isiac Tablet of Cardinal Bembo, The
Catalog #: SKU1789

THIS curious relic of an age long past cannot fail to attract the attention of every earnest student of the Mysteries; its beauty of design, its careful execution, its obvious antiquity, its certain connection with that most incomprehensible scheme of religion-the Egyptian, all combine to fascinate the mind and stimulate the intellect in a search for the explanation of the purpose and meaning of this very elaborate pictorial work of Art. Mysterious in its conception, of unknown origin, and of peculiar workmanship, this Tablet merits examination and research.

Catalog #: SKU4099

The lady mystic of few words teaches about Karma, but her few words pack a punch.

Karma, Dharma, Nirvana, Amitabha
Catalog #: SKU4098

Four Indian Philosophies explained by famous Monist, Paul Carus.

Karma, Nirvana, and Yama
Catalog #: SKU4094

Lessons by Paul Carus, the Famous Monist, into Karma and Nirvana, while Monist J. Muir teaches about Yama, or the future-life.

Laws of the Higher Life
Catalog #: SKU4106

Ms. Besant teaches about Consciousness, Duty, and Sacrifice.

Lives of Alcyone
Catalog #: SKU3868

This is, I believe, the first serious attempt to link together many lives of many persons in consecutive order, and they throw much light on the workings of Karma and the Law of Reincarnation. They remind one of a saying in the Hebrew Scriptures; "I will bring my sons from far, and my daughters from the ends of the earth." History of 70,000 years brought forward by 2 of the greatest writers in theosophy.

Lord's Lay: Bhagavad-Gita
Catalog #: SKU4090

A new translation along with an exhaustive explanation of the Bhagavad Gita,with notes, and comparisons to the Bible.

Lotus Fire
Catalog #: SKU3628

The book consists of my own personal explorations in a field which I had long been keenly interested, explorations which were fortunate enough to have the guidance of One, whose discoveries in innumerable fields, have constituted Him a Master of the Wisdom of Life.

Machinery of the Mind
Catalog #: SKU4078

From one of the great occultists of the 20th century: a look at the machinations of the mind, how it evolved, and how it develops. This is a brilliant look at the human mind without all the psychobabble.

Man and His Bodies
Catalog #: SKU4102

Ms. Besant, in this short lesson, teaches about man's physical, astral, and spiritual bodies.

Marriage, As It Was, As It Is, As It Should Be
Catalog #: SKU4084

Restoring equality of woman in the marriage relationship and society through ancient law, Roman law, English law, from Annie Besant's Theosophical and Hindu background.

Missing Link in Modern Spiritualism
Catalog #: SKU3690

It is not that the history of Spiritual Manifestations in this century and country has not again and again been written, nor that a library of the splendid literature of Spiritualism-narrative, philosophical, and religious-does not already exist, that I have deemed it a duty to give this history to the world.

Modern Panarion
Catalog #: SKU3629

A Modern Panarion is of like nature with the intent of Church Father Epiphanius, only in the 19th century heresy has in many instances become orthodoxy, and orthodoxy heresy, and the Panarion is intended as a means of healing against the errors of ecclesiasticism, dogma and bigotry, and the blind negotiation of materialism and psuedo-science.

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