Let us, first of all, ask ourselves, looking at the world around us, what it is that the history of the world signifies. When we read history, what does the history tell us? It seems to be a moving panorama of people and events, but it is really only a dance of shadows; the people are shadows, not realities, the kings and statesmen, the ministers and armies; and the events the battles and revolutions, the rises and falls of states are the most shadowlike dance of all.
The famous mystic sees modern problems being solved through ancient wisdom.
Those who have learned a little of the Ancient Wisdom know the illumination, the peace, the joy, the strength, its lessons have brought into their lives. That this book may win some to use its teachings, and to prove for themselves their value, is the prayer with which it is sent forth into the world.
This famous Theosophist studies into the Ancient Wisdom and knowledge upon which Theosophy was originally founded upon.
This curious set of books were never published for public sale and printed over 135 years ago. They were available only to Masonic lodges and libraries.
THOUGH for the most part entirely unconscious of it, man passes the whole of his life in the midst of a vast and populous unseen world. During sleep or in trance, when the insistent physical senses are for the time in abeyance, this other world is to some extent open to him, and he will sometimes bring back from those conditions more or less vague memories of what he has seen and heard there.
Teachings from one of the Masters sent to guide man through this maze of life.
After reading this, it can be said, that one who attempts to define the Avataras simply, must be an unlearned fool.
Must religion and morals go together? Can one be taught without the other? It is a practical question for educationists, and France tried to answer it in the dreariest little cut and dry kind of catechism ever given to boys to make them long to be wicked. But apart from education, the question of the bedrock on which morals rest, the foundation on which a moral edifice can be built that will stand secure against the storms of life-that is a question of perennial interest, and it must be answered by each of us, if we would have a test of Right and Wrong, would know why Right is Right, why Wrong is Wrong.
"Beyond the Vail" seeks to reveal to persons in the physical condition something of practical life in the immediate beyond death, by relation of experiences of spirits who are inhabitants of the spirit world; and, to reveal further the true relation of the earth life to the post-mortal condition, and thus furnish mortals a basis of such practical ethics as is most conducive to desirable conditions both on earth and in the spheres beyond.
The lady mystic traces the progress of the soul.
Ms. Besant teaches the Indian philosophy about how the Kosmos came into being from the Puranas and Vedic writings.
The origin of all religions, and the ignorance which is the root of the God-idea, having been dealt with in Part I. of this Text-Book, it now becomes our duty to investigate the evidences of the origin and of the growth of Christianity, to examine its morality and its dogmas, to study the history of its supposed founder, to trace out its symbols and its ceremonies; in fine, to show cause for its utter rejection by the Freethinker.
There has probably never been a period in the history of thought entirely resembling the present.
In The Cosmic Fire, a Treatise the Tibetan has given us what H. P. Blavatski prophesied he would give, namely the psychological key to the Cosmic Creation.