Spirituality-Religions Theosophical


Venerable Brotherhood of India : Modern World Movements
Angelic Revelations
Who Answers Prayer?
Basis of Morality
Building of the Kosmos



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Mystic Will, The
Catalog #: SKU1316

I beg the reader, laying aside all prejudice or preconceived opinion, and neither believing nor disbelieving what he reads, to simply try it-that is to test it in his own person to what degree he can influence his will, or bring about subsequent states of mind, by the very easy processes laid down. If I could hope that all opinion of my book would be uttered only by those who had thus put it to the test, I should be well assured as to its future.

Reincarnation : A Study In Human Evolution
Catalog #: SKU1903

A very good research based argument in favor of Reincarnation, and the author in his expertise brings forth many answers to other age old questions of man's spirit, consciousness, soul, afterlife, etc.

Six Theosophic Points
Catalog #: SKU3147

An Open Gate of all the Secrets of Life Wherein the Causes of all Beings Become Known; Six Mystical Points

Songs of the Master: Bhavagad Gita (Large Print)
Catalog #: SKU4112

A good translation of the Bhagavad Gita, with its history, and explanations of its meanings.

Divine Matters: Bhagavad-Gita
Catalog #: SKU4095

One of the most enlightened and exhaustive studies into the Bhagavad Gita, especially for the European and Western mindset.

Esoteric Explorations
Catalog #: SKU4123

Take a very close and piercing look at the phenomena known as religion and science, and as I'll introduce a fascinating cast of curious characters you may not have met before.

Heart of the Bhagavad-Gita
Catalog #: SKU4097

The religious and spiritual meaning of the Gita explained.

Lord's Lay: Bhagavad-Gita
Catalog #: SKU4090

A new translation along with an exhaustive explanation of the Bhagavad Gita,with notes, and comparisons to the Bible.

Occult Chemistry
Catalog #: SKU1052

It remains to be seen-not how far, but rather how soon the scientific world at large will accept the conclusions of this volume as a definite contribution to science, blending the science of the laboratory with that variety that has hitherto been called occult.

Study In Consciousness
Catalog #: SKU4085

From her Theosophical and Hindu philosophies, Ms. Besant, a great mystic in her own right, teaches how consciousness is the source of all matter and creation.

Textbook of Theosophy
Catalog #: SKU1362

We often speak of Theosophy as not in itself a religion, but the truth which lies behind all religions alike. That is so; yet, from another point of view, we may surely say that it is at once a philosophy, a religion and a science. It is a philosophy, because it puts plainly before us an explanation of the scheme of evolution of both the souls and the bodies contained in our solar system.

Venerable Brotherhood of India : Modern World Movements
Catalog #: SKU2751

Freemasonry and theosophy traced back into ancient India's esoteric traditions.

Ancient Wisdom (Besant Facsimile)
Catalog #: SKU4100

This famous Theosophist studies into the Ancient Wisdom and knowledge upon which Theosophy was originally founded upon.

Astral Plane : Its Scenery, Inhabitants, and Phenomena
Catalog #: SKU1206

THOUGH for the most part entirely unconscious of it, man passes the whole of his life in the midst of a vast and populous unseen world. During sleep or in trance, when the insistent physical senses are for the time in abeyance, this other world is to some extent open to him, and he will sometimes bring back from those conditions more or less vague memories of what he has seen and heard there.

Gay Gnani of Gingalee or Discords of Devolution
Catalog #: SKU2722

Study into both worlds of Mysticism and Science, how they tend to oppose each other, when they should compliment each other. A romantic tale woven to illustrate just this thought.

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