Science Mysteries Teleportation/Anti-Gravity


Mysteries of the Pyramid
Beyond Our Galaxy
Days Before Tommorrow
Cities of the Deep
Incredible Cities of the Inner Earth
Universal Oneness



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Book of Formulas
Catalog #: SKU4038

Spagyric Preparations for curing disease and conservation of health. Some of the rarest and most valuable secrets of the Ancient Medical and Hermetic Philosophy.

Dreams and Telepathy
Catalog #: SKU3043

Dream Psychology articles from Freud's International Journal of Psycho-Anaylsis

Strange Life of Nikola Tesla
Catalog #: SKU2357

This book was written by Nikola Tesla, but published in a 3rd party reference in the table of contents. It has probably been published under other titles, but Tesla is worth a repeat any time due to his mysterious genius.

UFO Mysteries : A Reporter Seeks the Truth
Catalog #: SKU0748

"UFO Mysteries is one of the best works on the subject of UFOs since Jacques Vallee's seminal 1965 Anatomy of a Phenomenon. Sutherly has blended skillful writing with the determination of a true investigator to produce an objective and introspective look at one of the greatest enigmas humankind has so far faced."

Dealings with the Dead
Catalog #: SKU3944

The author researches beyond the infantile work of so-called 'mediums' into the reality and world of Immortality.

Invisible Man, The
Catalog #: SKU1606

The stranger came early in February one wintry day, through a biting wind and a driving snow, the last snowfall of the year, over the down, walking as it seemed from Bramblehurst railway station and carrying a little black portmanteau in his thickly gloved hand. He was wrapped up from head to foot, and the brim of his soft felt hat hid every inch of his face but the shiny tip of his nose; the snow had piled itself against his shoulders and chest, and added a white crest to the burden he carried.

Anti-Gravity and the Unified Field
Catalog #: SKU1480

Is Einstein's Unified Field Theory the answer to all of our energy problems? Explored in this compilation of material is how gravity, electricity and magnetism manifest from a unified field around us. Why artificial gravity is possible; secrets of UFO propulsion; free energy; Nikola Tesla and anti-gravity airships of the 20s and 30s; flying saucers as superconducting whirls of plasma; anti-mass generators; vortex propulsion; suppressed technology; government cover-ups; gravitational pulse drive; spacecraft & more.

Anti-Gravity and The World Grid
Catalog #: SKU0353

Discover the secrets of the world grid of power spots and vortex areas! Is the earth surrounded by an intricate electromagnetic grid network offering free energy?

Anti-Gravity Handbook
Catalog #: SKU0533

The new expanded compilation of material on Anti-Gravity, Free Energy, Flying Saucer Porpulsion, UFOs, Suppressed Technology, NASA Cover-ups and more. Highly illustrated with patents, technical illustrations and photos.

Catalog #: SKU1566

In telling the story of Timothy Green Beckley, one wonders where to begin. There has been so much water under so many bridges that time is hard to grasp and truly lay hold on. But we can at least approach the telling of Beckley's personal odyssey by beginning at The beginning, when he was a child growing up in New Jersey.

Quest for Zero Point Energy
Catalog #: SKU0428

Free energy and anti-gravity are new solutions to the world's energy crisis. Rarely mentioned in the media-- even as power shortages cripple the U.S.-- Zero-Point Energy can transform our earth to a self-sustaining, pollution-free planet.

Remote Viewing Secrets
Catalog #: SKU0394

Remote viewing is not simply using psychic ability to obtain information. It is using scientific protocol to develop and extend that ability, so that ordinary people can learn to do what "psychics" do.

Strange Encounters
Catalog #: SKU1561

There are theoreticians who maintain that the presence of UFOs over the half century has given us the necessary inspiration and motivation to forge ahead with our attempt to conquer the universe. Their theory is that we would, as a unified planet, feel more comfortable on a more equal footing.

Strange Saga
Catalog #: SKU1560

In telling the story of Timothy Green Beckley, one wonders where to begin. There has been so much water under so many bridges that time is hard to grasp and truly lay hold on. But we can at least approach the telling of Beckley's personal odyssey by beginning at The beginning, when he was a child growing up in New Jersey.

Harmonic Conquest Of Space
Catalog #: SKU0361

I believe that magnetic monopoles exist and that the creation of matter is dependent on the coupling of the monopoles into individual units. I can visualize streams of monopoles, both of positive and negative charge according to their spin , passing through each other and pairing off to form physical particles. The process would be much the same as the closing of a zipper.

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