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TGS Publishing

TGS Publishing

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Christ's Mission to the Underworld
Catalog #: SKU2402

He set the captives free... often stated in churches, but the theory of Christ's mission to the underworld (hell) is not in the Bible. Where did it come from? Why did the early Christians believe this?

Christian Doctrine Of Hell
Catalog #: SKU3595

If there is a hell, that is the most important fact in the universe. Compared with an eternity of torment, all that this little life has to offer is but as nothing. 2 books in one volume! Essays On Phallic Worship and the Christian Doctrine of Hell

Christian Documents in Syriac, Arabic, and Garshuni
Catalog #: SKU2793

A rare look and study into little known Christian manuscripts outside of the 'established' Greek and Latin.

Christian Mystery
Catalog #: SKU3770

Common sense questions about Christianity from the Chinese to the missionaries.

Christian Mysticism
Catalog #: SKU2819

There is undeniably a mystic side of Christianity once you throw off the chains of closed minded fundamentalism.

Christian Mythology
Catalog #: SKU2330

What myths did the early Christians believe in and teach? Which ones have filtered down into modern Christianity?

Christian Origins of America
Catalog #: SKU3340

In ransacking old court records, newspapers, diaries and letters for the historic foundation of the books which I have written on colonial history, I have found and noted much of interest that has not been used or referred to in any of those books. An accumulation of notes on old-time laws, punishments and penalties has evoked this volume. The subject is not a pleasant one, though it often has a humorous element; but a punishment that is obsolete gains an interest and dignity from antiquity and its history becomes endurable because it has a past only and no future. That men were pilloried and women ducked by our law-abiding forbears rouses a thrill of hot indignation which dies down into a dull ember of curiosity when we reflect that they will never be pilloried or ducked again.

Christian Phrenology
Catalog #: SKU3446

Phrenology is a system of Mental Philosophy. It enquires into the quality and condition of the mind, estimating the faculties, sentiments, and propensities of the individual, without being deceived by personal esteem or the voice of partial praise; for as it too frequently occurs that minds of the highest order are more or less under the influence of self love, or a desire for the admiration of others, so are they blinded to their own weaknesses and in some measure rendered incapable of acknowledging their faults even to themselves.

Christian Phrenology (Kindle EBook Edition)
Catalog #: SKU3447

Phrenology is a system of Mental Philosophy. It enquires into the quality and condition of the mind, estimating the faculties, sentiments, and propensities of the individual, without being deceived by personal esteem or the voice of partial praise; for as it too frequently occurs that minds of the highest order are more or less under the influence of self love, or a desire for the admiration of others, so are they blinded to their own weaknesses and in some measure rendered incapable of acknowledging their faults even to themselves.

Christian Phrenology (MobiPocket EBook Edition)
Catalog #: SKU3448

Phrenology is a system of Mental Philosophy. It enquires into the quality and condition of the mind, estimating the faculties, sentiments, and propensities of the individual, without being deceived by personal esteem or the voice of partial praise; for as it too frequently occurs that minds of the highest order are more or less under the influence of self love, or a desire for the admiration of others, so are they blinded to their own weaknesses and in some measure rendered incapable of acknowledging their faults even to themselves.

Christian Topography
Catalog #: SKU2401

THE Christian Topography of Cosmas Indicopleustes is one of the prodigies of literature. The boldness and perverse ingenuity with which its author, from a long array of irrelevant scripture texts, seeks to construct an impossible theory of the universe can scarcely fail to astonish everyone who reads it. It made its appearance at that period in the world's history, when Christendom, fast losing the light of Greek learning and culture, was soon to be shrouded in the long night of mediaeval ignorance and barbarism.

Christianity and the Mysteries
Catalog #: SKU0198

The Mysteries of Christianity lie in its customs, rituals and traditions. Where did these people get so many rituals and customs when the New Testament is virtually silent on the matter? 560 Pages of collected studies in this one volume on the Mysteries of Christianity.

Christianity as Mystical Fact
Catalog #: SKU1754

A kind of mysterious veil hangs over the manner in which spiritual needs were satisfied during the older civilisations by those who sought a deeper religious life and fuller knowledge than the popular religions offered. If we inquire how these needs were satisfied, we find ourselves led into the dim twilight of the mysteries, and the individual seeking them disappears for a time from our observation.

Christianity Reviewed
Catalog #: SKU2120

A rare and honest look at Christian traditions, creeds, life, and myths by a preacher of Christ's gospel.

Christianity: Its Evidence. Its Origin. Its Morality. Its History.
Catalog #: SKU1059

The origin of all religions, and the ignorance which is the root of the God-idea, having been dealt with in Part I. of this Text-Book, it now becomes our duty to investigate the evidences of the origin and of the growth of Christianity, to examine its morality and its dogmas, to study the history of its supposed founder, to trace out its symbols and its ceremonies; in fine, to show cause for its utter rejection by the Freethinker.
