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TGS Publishing

TGS Publishing

TGS Publishing, founded 1999, publishes out of print books, new authors, specialty books, and books for test marketing.

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TGS Publishing
22241 Pinedale Lane,
Frankston, Texas 75763


Cell of Self-Knowledge - Seven Early English Mystical Treatises
Catalog #: SKU3024

The seven tracts or treatises before us were published in 1521 in a little quarto volume: "Imprynted at London in Poules chyrchyarde at the sygne of the Trynyte, by Henry Pepwell. In the yere of our lorde God, M.CCCCC.XXI., the xvi. daye of Nouembre."

Cellular Cosmogony : Cellular Cosmogony
Catalog #: SKU2400

THE AUTHOR of the Koreshan System of Universology (upon the basis of the law of comparative analogy) announced, in 1870, the discovery of the cosmogonic form, which he then declared to be cellular; the surface of the earth being concave, with a curvature of about eight inches to the mile.

Celsus, Porphyry, and Emperor Julian Against the Christians
Catalog #: SKU3747

THE Christians are accustomed to have private assemblies, which are forbidden by the law. For of assemblies some are public, and these are conformable to the law of the land; but others are secret, and these are such as are hostile to the laws; among which are the Love Feasts of the Christians

Celtic Religion In Pre-Christian Times
Catalog #: SKU3177

It is only as prehistoric archaeology has come to throw more and more light on the early civilisations of Celtic lands that it has become possible to interpret Celtic religion from a thoroughly modern viewpoint. The author cordially acknowledges his indebtedness to numerous writers on this subject, but his researches into some portions of the field especially have suggested to him the possibility of giving a new presentation to certain facts and groups of facts, which the existing evidence disclosed. It is to be hoped that a new interest in the religion of the Celts may thereby be aroused. Large print 17 point font.

Central Bank as a Menace to Liberty
Catalog #: SKU2398

A short and direct exposé of the dangers of a private central bank.

Cerberus: The Dog of Hades
Catalog #: SKU3353

Hermes, the guide of the dead, brings to Pluto's kingdom their psyches, "that gibber like bats, as they fare down the dank ways, past the streams of Okeanos, past the gates of the sun and the land of dreams, to the meadow of asphodel in the dark realm of Hades, where dwell the souls, the phantoms of men outworn."

Catalog #: SKU1404

TGS brings back a beautiful edition of this all important esoteric work by C.W. Leadbeater. "Man is a soul and owns a body - several bodies in fact; for besides the visible vehicle by means of which he transacts his business with his lower world, he has others which are not visible to ordinary sight, by means of which he deals with the emotional and mental worlds."

Chaldea : From The Earliest Times To The Rise Of Assyria
Catalog #: SKU1734

From Ancient Times, Biblical Times and in Modern Times.. Chaldea.. the Land of the Chaldees has been the source of esoteric mysteries, home of the Magi, the beginning of Judaism and many other religions. It is a habitual hotbed of wars and conquests. What is it about this mysterious desert land that attracts the attention of world powers and religions?

Chaldean Account of Genesis, The
Catalog #: SKU2329

The Creation, The Fall of Man, The Deluge, Tower of Babel, Patriarchs, and Nimrod : Very interesting to read the same or similar stories that are in the Bible, from another race, culture, and civilization, other than the Hebrews.

Chaldean Magic
Catalog #: SKU3842

Of Assyriology it may truly be written, "day unto day uttereth knowledge." There is probably no section of the science of comparative mythology of which, till recently, less has been known, or of which, at present, more authentic materials remain, than the subject of "Chaldean Magic: its Origin and Development."

Challenging a God
Catalog #: SKU2190

This author confronts Christianity's basis and its hypocrites, in view of its involvment in the Great War.

Character of the Jew Books and Character of a Priest
Catalog #: SKU3769

Justice is due to all men; it is a gem that sheds a brilliant radiance upon the tyrant and the slave, upon the rich and the poor; Justice is in the moral world what the sun is in the physical, one illuminates the intellectual, the other the terrestrial system.

Charlie Danger Trilogy - 3 book special
Catalog #: SKU3496

All three Charlie Danger Books.. One Low Price

Charlie Danger: Private Detective
Catalog #: SKU3201

Charlie Danger, Private Detective is a parody of the old 1950's detective stories. Charlie gets involved with a mysterious blonde bombshell and is dragged into the plot to build the New World Order. The dead bodies of our Founding Fathers start showing up, then bullets start flying and bombs start going off.

Charlie Danger: Private Detective (E-Mobi/Kindle)
Catalog #: SKU3497

Charlie Danger, Private Detective is a parody of the old 1950's detective stories. Charlie gets involved with a mysterious blonde bombshell and is dragged into the plot to build the New World Order. The dead bodies of our Founding Fathers start showing up, then bullets start flying and bombs start going off.
