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TGS Publishing

TGS Publishing

TGS Publishing, founded 1999, publishes out of print books, new authors, specialty books, and books for test marketing.

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TGS Publishing
22241 Pinedale Lane,
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United States In The Light Of Prophecy
Catalog #: SKU1336

If we read the signs of the times aright, events are soon to transpire of such a nature as to preclude the necessity of any apology for the publication of what is contained in the following pages.

United States in Prophecy
Catalog #: SKU3583

The author presents his views of the United States in Biblical prophecies. These are good to read and analyze because you can set Christian prophecies to a value of relevance, by determining which prophecies are true or false.

Union Haggadah, The
Catalog #: SKU1977

It matters not whether the Passover and the Exodus are stories of a vivid imagination, folk lore of old, mythology, or actual historical fact. Regardless of its origin, nothing defines Judaism, or the Jew more than the tradition of Pesach (Passover) and the Seder Celebrations.

Unicorn, The
Catalog #: SKU3889

THE science of Heraldry has faithfully preserved to modern times various phases of some of those remarkable legends, which, based upon a study of natural phenomena, exhibit the process whereby the greater part of mythology has come into existence.

Underground World : A Mirror of Life Below the Surface
Catalog #: SKU2170

Hollow earth? Underground civilizations? Why not? This is a study into KNOWN underground activities.

Underground Man
Catalog #: SKU3347

He has put into it along with a charming fancy his genialness and depth of spirit, his ideas on the influence of art and the importance of love, in an exceptional social milieu. This agreeable day-dream is vigorously thought out. On reading it we fancy we are again seeing and hearing Tarde. In order to indulge in a repetition of the illusion, a pious friendship has desired to clothe this fascinating work in an appropriate dress.

Underground City, The : The Child of the Cavern
Catalog #: SKU1774

Jules Verne, a master of intrigue and imagination, wrote this little masterpiece of science fiction with the yearning for lost civilizations, such as Atlantis. Some of his books and thoughts became fact as generations wents by.. will this one?

Under the Syrian Sun
Catalog #: SKU2788

Discover the mystery and romance of one of the oldest Middle Eastern civilizations, that has maintained its original name for thousands of years.

Under the Prophet in Utah
Catalog #: SKU0975

The story of the amazing reign of this one man, Joseph F. Smith, the Mormon Prophet, a religious fanatic of bitter mind, who claims that he has been divinely ordained to exercise the awful authority of God on earth over all the affairs of all mankind, and who plays the anointed despot in Utah and the surrounding states as cruelly as a Sultan and more securely than any Czar.

Unconstitutional Laws of the 12th Legislature of Texas
Catalog #: SKU2102

Under Republican Yankee Scalawags, Texas law and order was decimated by criminals installed by the US Federal Government. There was NO reconstruction in Texas, only DECONSTRUCTION of freedom, independence and liberty by the new slave masters of Washington DC.

Unconscious Memory
Catalog #: SKU2929

Is evolution buried in our unconscious memory? Samuel Butler was a genius of his times and his studies into evolution were easier to understand for most people than those of Darwin.

Uncanonical Gospel from Oxyrhynchus
Catalog #: SKU2962

A little known apocryphal gospel discussed and translated.

Un-Natural History (Essays on)
Catalog #: SKU4052

A logical approach presented against the theory of evolution.

Un-Natural History
Catalog #: SKU0154

A hard to find book from 1886, republished by TGS. A look at mythical monsters and other myths from a scientific point of view, without the myth and fear behind the monster stories.

Ulysses (MobiPocket/Kindle PRC Electronic Download Edition)
Catalog #: SKU3416

Most noble and illustrious drinkers, and you thrice precious pockified blades (for to you, and none else, do I dedicate my writings), Alcibiades, in that dialogue of Plato's, which is entitled The Banquet, whilst he was setting forth the praises of his schoolmaster Socrates (without all question the prince of philosophers), amongst other discourses to that purpose, said that he resembled the Silenes.
