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TGS Publishing

TGS Publishing

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TGS Publishing
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Un-Natural History (Essays on)
Catalog #: SKU4052

A logical approach presented against the theory of evolution.

Kabbalah: The Harmony of the Opposites
Catalog #: SKU4051

Excellent book for an introduction to the Kabbalah.

Fairy-Tale Bible
Catalog #: SKU4050

Before one can begin to explore the Bible vs. Myth, one must define what a myth is, for the purpose of the study. I've seen definitions used that say mythology is fiction, fables, lore, allegory, etc., but the fact we use the coinage, "mythology" tends to make it somewhat different than ordinary fiction and fables. Otherwise, why not call the stories of Venus and Zeus fiction? This collection is a compilation of materials not readily available of serious research into the myths of the Bible and its parallels from other sources.

Other World: Glimpses of the Supernatural
Catalog #: SKU4049

Facts, Records, And Traditions Relating To Dreams, Omens, Miraculous Occurrences, Apparitions, Wraiths, Warnings, Second-Sight, Witchcraft, Necromancy, Etc.

Spirit Land
Catalog #: SKU4048

This volume is intended as an antidote to a species of errors that have been rife in every age of the Christian church. Notwithstanding the disclosures the Most High made of himself to his ancient people, they were yet prone to turn aside from the worship of the true God, to follow the lying spirits of the prophets of Baal, and other deceivers, from the days of Moses till the destruction of Jerusalem. So, likewise, under the Christian dispensation, there has been a succession of Antichrists, until their name is legion, whose teachings have clouded the understandings and blinded the moral perceptions of men, subverting the faith of many whose mountains stood strong, and who had been counted the chosen people of God.

Kind of Magic
Catalog #: SKU4047

The term magic can mean different things to different people. In fact, it is a catch-all word used to define things that are indefinable, supernatural, and/or mystical. This collection of articles covers topics from religious magic, natural magic, math magic, mental magic, black magic, white magic, to parlor room magic tricks. Each one is 'A Kind of Magic.'

Tongue of Time (Large Print Edition)
Catalog #: SKU4046

American antiquities, Remains of the Giants, Geology, Volcanoes, Indian and Egyptian Magic, Somnabulism, Trances, Resuscitation, Persons with Two Souls, Learning Color by Touch

Your Future Revealed By the Gods of Greece
Catalog #: SKU4045

Quotes from Shakespeare's works assigned to predictions and character traits.

National Independence
Catalog #: SKU4044

The Fatalism of Laissez Faire, its doom of successful employment.

Mystic Life
Catalog #: SKU4043

Few Christians today realize that mysticism was once an integral of that religion.

Monism As Connecting Religion and Science
Catalog #: SKU4042

That we may rightly appreciate what this Monism is, let us now, from a philosophico-historical point of view cast a comprehensive glance over the development in time of man's knowledge of nature.

Incubus or Nightmare
Catalog #: SKU4041

The enjoyment of comfortable and undisturbed sleep, is certainly to be ranked amongst the greatest blessings which heaven has bestowed on mankind; and it may be considered as one of the best criterions of a person enjoying perfect health.

Hints from the Hornograph On the Signs of the Times
Catalog #: SKU4040

A view of the principle Planetary conjunctions and revolutions of the Celestial World affecting the destinies of Israel.

Collection of Rare and Curious Tracts on Witchcraft and Second Sight
Catalog #: SKU4039

Articles written on witchcraft during the years 1633-1820.

Book of Formulas
Catalog #: SKU4038

Spagyric Preparations for curing disease and conservation of health. Some of the rarest and most valuable secrets of the Ancient Medical and Hermetic Philosophy.
