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TGS Publishing

TGS Publishing

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TGS Publishing
22241 Pinedale Lane,
Frankston, Texas 75763


After Death - Disembodied Man
Catalog #: SKU3977

One of the best books ever written about what happens to man after he dies. The experience almost feels real as you read the philosophy of the Rosicrucian, in the manner this author employs.

Egypt: The Cradle of Ancient Masonry (Large Print Edition)
Catalog #: SKU3976

An exhaustive study into the antiquity of Masonry by an author that travelled to the places of the ancient world to locate the truth of Masonic history.

Egypt: The Cradle of Ancient Masonry
Catalog #: SKU3975

An exhaustive study into the antiquity of Masonry by an author that travelled to the places of the ancient world to locate the truth of Masonic history.

James Carey: Hermaphrodite
Catalog #: SKU3974

An autopsy report on the body of a hermaphrodite, a rarity 150 years ago.

Satan's Character, Personality, and Methods
Catalog #: SKU3973

Psychology and other techniques applied to the personage of Satan and his traits and methods.

Witches' Pharmacopoeia
Catalog #: SKU3972

The medical community at John Hopkins looks into the incredients and recipes of the witches cauldrons.

To Know: To Have Sexual Commerce
Catalog #: SKU3971

An interesting study into the Biblical phrase: "To Know".

Mortgage Evil
Catalog #: SKU3970

Written a hundred years ago, this author's prophetic utterings keep coming true, as the banksters rape and pillage government treasuries around the world, and steal away people's properties in perpetuation of their sins and crimes.

Evil of Special Privilege
Catalog #: SKU3969

A short view of the corporate person in law and life.

Secrets of the Black Arts
Catalog #: SKU3968

Divination, omens, apparitions, forewarnings, sorcery, demonology, dreams, predictions, visions, etc.

Erotic Teaching in Roman Elegy and the Greek Sources
Catalog #: SKU3967

A professional look at the erotic sources of ancient literature.

Evil Religion Does
Catalog #: SKU3966

Why exchange human intelligence for the ignorance of religious mythologies?

Round Towers of Ireland - The History of the Tuath-De-Danaans
Catalog #: SKU3965

I will as substantially establish, that they were, what has already been affirmed, in reference to those in Ireland, viz. temples in honour of the sun and moon, the procreative causes of general fecundity, comprising in certain instances, like them, also the additional and blended purposes of funeral cemeteries and astronomical observatories.

Magic and Witchcraft
Catalog #: SKU3964

So universal is the belief in spiritual influences, and more especially in their malignant influences, that no race of men, no period of time, no region of the globe, have been exempt from it.

Sappho: A New Rendering
Catalog #: SKU3963

There is not a fragment of Sappho that is not surrounded in the mind of the reader by the rainbow of suggestion.
