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TGS Publishing

TGS Publishing

TGS Publishing, founded 1999, publishes out of print books, new authors, specialty books, and books for test marketing.

TGS has maintained a website presence via since 1999, making the top 100,000 websites in ranking several times during that period.

TGS is a wholesale supplier direct to bookstores and distributors, along with drop shipping orders for publishers, bookstores, and authors.

TGS maintains a Print on Demand operation for publishers and authors, keeping the price and costs the lowest in the industry, with 10 day turn around for orders.

TGS Services offers website construction, maintenance, shopping cart installations, domain name registrar services, and dedicated server leases.

TGS Publishing
22241 Pinedale Lane,
Frankston, Texas 75763


Pictorial Symbols of Alchemy
Catalog #: SKU1168

TGS reprints brings two Alchemy books in one volume. There is no question of the claims which are put forward in this book being taken on trust. On the contrary they are open to the fullest examination. The proofs are there and they can safely be left to speak for themselves, in the light of the outcome of any investigations to which they may be subjected.

Catalog #: SKU1169

TGS reprints brings you three historic books on the Tarot in one volume. There is no question of the claims which are put forward in this book being taken on trust. On the contrary they are open to the fullest examination. The proofs are there and they can safely be left to speak for themselves, in the light of the outcome of any investigations to which they may be subjected.

Catalog #: SKU1170

The Story of Alchemy and the Beginnings of Chemistry is very interesting in itself. It is also a pregnant example of the contrast between the scientific and the emotional methods of regarding nature; and it admirably illustrates the differences between well-grounded, suggestive, hypotheses, and baseless speculations.
I have tried to tell the story so that it may be intelligible to the ordinary reader.

Beyond the 5 Senses
Catalog #: SKU1171

THIS volume deals with certain phenomena that one comes across when stepping out of the world of sense to that which lies beyond it; that is, to the supernormal or transcendental, or whatever people prefer to call it.

Anatomy of the Body of God: Study of the Kabalah
Catalog #: SKU1172

We are living in strange times. Civilization seems rapidly to be breaking up, while yet some inner urge is at work towards a better and more balanced construction in may departments of life. TGS Reprints brings two esoteric reprints in one book!

An Open Entrance to the Closed Palace of the King
Catalog #: SKU1173

The contents of this Book are not fables, but real experiments which I have seen, touched, and handled, as an adept will easily conclude from these lines. I have written more plainly about this Art than any of my predecessors; sometimes I have found myself on the very verge of breaking my vow, and once or twice had to lay down my pen for a season; but I could not resist the inward prompting of God, which impelled me to persevere in the most loving course, who alone knows the heart, and to whom only be glory for ever.

Henry J. Ford Collection : 7 Books and Free CD
Catalog #: SKU1175

This is a rare collection of Henry Ford's most popular works... Including the International Jew Unabriged and Abridged Editions

International Jew : 4 Volume Set Unabridged
Catalog #: SKU1175e

This is the collection of Henry Ford's controversial works that created an uproar in the American Jewish community from 1921- well into the 1940s ...The International Jew gives a rare insight into the thoughts and political yen of many of this era. If we fail to study history, even controversial elements of history, we are indeed doomed to repeat its mistakes. Ford, like thousands of other influential men and politicians, endorsed the Nazis in 1930s Germany. This fact is one that is seldom covered in history books.

My Life and Work
Catalog #: SKU1176

My Life and Work, is Henry Ford's autobiography and his philosophy in business. "There is plenty of work to do. Business is merely work. Speculation in things already produced--that is not business. It is just more or less respectable graft. But it cannot be legislated out of existence. Laws can do very little."

History of Money in America
Catalog #: SKU1177

There is possibly no greater master of the history and frauds used in money systems from antiquity to the present day than Alexander Del Mar. TGS continues to seek out all books of this rare author and talent from the late 1800s and early 1900s. Del Mar was the head of the Bureau of Mining for the United States in the 1800s. His specialty was researching the history of money, coins, and fiat systems.

Money Creators
Catalog #: SKU1178

Do you want money made honest for you by the National Government; or kept 'sound' for the Money Creators by mis-government?

Rights of Americans : Presidency, The Supreme Court, and Seven Senators
Catalog #: SKU1179

We've heard about them... our rights... But just what are they and is the goverment voiding them? This is in depth analysis of OUR RIGHTS. You may have many more you've not thought of. State's Rights ARE our rights too!

Natural Cures For High Blood Pressure
Catalog #: SKU1190

Toxins must be cleansed from the body as well as invasive germs. Blood-letting is a simple technique to achieve this. Blood holds the toxins. By simply removing a quantity of blood the levels of toxins are significantly reduced.

Light-bearers of Darkness
Catalog #: SKU1194

THIS book is an attempt to show, by means of actual investigations, of documentary evidence, and personal knowledge of the inner workings, that this present movement for World Revolution leading to World Domination is but an age-long and culminating, fanatical effort on the part of some Overshadowing Power working through many secret illuminised sects.

Trail of the Serpent
Catalog #: SKU1195

Though pro-Christian slanted, this author brings many details and facts of history about various secret societies and cults to the forefront, and showing their connections and impact on the world and history.
