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Religion has an important bearing on all the relations and conditions of life. The connexion between religious faith and political practice is, in truth, far closer than is generally thought. Public opinion has not yet ripened into a knowledge that religious error is the intangible but real substratum of all political injustice.
With the natural weather catastrophes all around us, and the unending wars of the U.S., we could easily find ourselves in a position of food shortages and rationings. This book from World War 1, nearly a century ago offers recipes and helps to save and ration food. All households should have these resources handy and available should the time come that your family is forced to conserve or ration food.
With the destruction of lower Louisiana by Hurricane Katrina and the careless disregard for New Orleans and Louisianans by the United States Federal Government, the world will be taking a close look at these people and their homeland. This book is a rare look back into Louisiana culture, which is a rich-- though mysterious culture. Louisianans have recovered time and time again from catastrophy and from atrocities of the U.S. Government. Each they have managed to preserve their culture, their customs, and their history. There is no single word to define Louisianan culture, for it is too rich and such a mix of many cultures into one.
Four Books Published in One Volume by TGS Publishers!
The Freedom of Life - As A Matter of Course - Power Through Repose - Nerves and Common Sense
THE aim of this book is to assist towards the removal of nervous irritants, which are not only the cause of much physical disease, but materially interfere with the best possibilities of usefulness and pleasure in everyday life.
A view through the time tunnel of history into the occupation of Belgium, the 'enemy prisons', the control of a foreign government, the disdain of the people towards their occupiers. This expose allows the reader to compare the similar events with current state of affairs in Iraq and the truthseeker immediately recognizes that little has changed in 'governments' inhumanity.
Religion, particularly Christianity, has enslaved the world through ignorance. Religion permeates the culture, the politics, and the government, allowing ignorants to rule and control. Ignorance promotes war, inhumanity, disease, and poverty. Education ends religion's control of the people. It is hoped that this reprint in a popular form may serve the purpose of contributing something, in co-operation with the present exertions, to expose, and partially remedy, the lamentable and nationally disgraceful ignorance to which the people of our country have been so long abandoned.
he incredible tale of a forced journey into subterraneum chambers and an adventure to the center of the earth. The forced adventure is conjectured to be that of Captain William Morgan whom the Freemasons were accused of murdering. This tale, if true, not only exonerates the Freemasons of conspiracy and murder, but makes the cover up that of Captain Morgan's life, rather than his demise.
The religion of the Babylonians and Assyrians was the polytheistic faith professed by the peoples inhabiting the Tigris and Euphrates valleys from what may be regarded as the dawn of history until the Christian era began, or, at least, until the inhabitants were brought under the influence of Christianity. The chronological period covered may be roughly estimated at about 5000 years. The belief of the people, at the end of that time, being Babylonian heathenism leavened with Judaism, the country was probably ripe for the reception of the new faith. Christianity, however, by no means replaced the earlier polytheism, as is evidenced by the fact, that the worship of Nebo and the gods associated with him continued until the fourth century of the Christian era.
With some, the home vegetable garden is a hobby; with others, especially in these days of high prices, a great help. There are many in both classes whose experience in gardening has been restricted within very narrow bounds, and whose present spare time for gardening is limited. It is as "first aid" to such persons, who want to do practical, efficient gardening, and do it with the least possible fuss and loss of time, that this book is written.
Heraldry is the science which teaches how to blazon or describe in proper terms armorial bearings and their accessories.Quick reference guide to the icons used and symbology/meaning of the herald components.
The profane language, the slang, used in the streets in 1811. The commoner's English language of the past was rich in culture and 'flowery' hidden meaning. Look back at the language our forefathers employed.
On January 1, 1523, a fleet of fifty vessels put out from the harbour at Rhodes for an unknown destination in the West. On board were the shattered remnants of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, accompanied by 4,000 Rhodians, who preferred the Knights and destitution to security under the rule of the Sultan Solyman.
This author reveals some of the ancient history of this secretive brotherhood.
Apart from botanical science, there is perhaps no subject of inquiry connected with plants of wider interest than that suggested by the study of folk-lore. This field of research has been largely worked of late years, and has obtained considerable popularity in this country, and on the Continent.
I have received a large amount of correspondence concerning this small work, and many reviews of it--some of them nearly as long as the book itself--have been printed. But scarcely any of the comment has been adverse.
Although I neither was willing, nor able to be wanting to my honoured Friends, yet would not divulge and bring to light the Verity of the Spagirick Art, but by this most precious, and Miraculous Arcanum, which I not only saw with these Eyes, but taking a little of the transmutatory powder, I myself also transmuted an Impure Mass of Lead volatile in the Fire, into fixed Gold, constantly sustaining every Examen of Fire
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