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TGS Publishing

TGS Publishing

TGS Publishing, founded 1999, publishes out of print books, new authors, specialty books, and books for test marketing.

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TGS Publishing
22241 Pinedale Lane,
Frankston, Texas 75763


Sexual Question, The
Catalog #: SKU2476

A Scientific, Psychological, and Sociological Study for the Cultured Classes - An exhaustive research into all aspects of human sexuality.

American Antiquities
Catalog #: SKU0141

Discover the mysteriousness of the America's ancient ruins, proving superior civilizations once inhabited these two continents. Even after 500 years, little is known about these cultures.

Lotus Fire
Catalog #: SKU3628

The book consists of my own personal explorations in a field which I had long been keenly interested, explorations which were fortunate enough to have the guidance of One, whose discoveries in innumerable fields, have constituted Him a Master of the Wisdom of Life.

Return of Sherlock Holmes - Vol 1 & 2 in 1 Book- Large Print
Catalog #: SKU3374

The world's most famous detective in large easy to read print!

Soul's Growth Through Reincarnation
Catalog #: SKU3630

A study in reincarnation. After one has accepted the idea of Reincarnation, that the soul returns again and again to earth, the question inevitably arises, "What is the end of it all?" Answers have been given by Eastern philosophers, as also by Plato, all of whom postulate Reincarnation as a necessary part of the soul's existence. Their answer is Liberation, or a final freedom from rebirths.

Subterranean Brotherhood
Catalog #: SKU2409

Son of Nathaniel Hawthorne, author of the Scarlet Letter and House of Seven Gables, write on his life in an underground prison, with its underworld economy. Has mankind advanced in its solutions or punishments of criminal?

Tertium Organum LARGE PRINT
Catalog #: SKU2970

The third canon of thought, a key to the enigmas of the world. Positive thinking in a negative world.

$30 Server
Catalog #: SKU5999

You can have your own virtual dedicated server for only $30.00 a month!

Abominable Snowmen: Story of Sub-Humans on Five Continents
Catalog #: SKU2291

The possible existence of the Yeti, Sasquatch, and other Abominable Snowman forms has long been a point of conjecture among travelers, naturalists, and scientists. While most of this evidence is circumstantial and inconclusive as yet, it provides a tantalizing mystery filled with enough interest and promise to warrant the attention of both serious students and casual readers.

Abraham Lincoln
Catalog #: SKU1217

The American Civil War continues to be a mystery among citizens of the North and the South. Most important facts were hidden from the American Public for well over a hundred years by the U.S. Government. This biography is more of a history book detailing many small facts and important ones that are obscured in most studies of American history. A rather candid and objective view is given by the author of many behind the scenes details of the Lincoln administration.

Acts of the Adepts : Holy Mesnevi Book 1
Catalog #: SKU1886

Few in the western world know who the Rumi was - His genius and philosophical thought could be equated with that of Rashi of Judaism or St. Augustine of Christianity. Rumi is the 'true' mystic of Islam, and is accredited with being the founder of the sect called Dervishes, whose dancing has thrilled audiences around the world. El Eflaki was a historian documenting the acts of Islam's famous mystics and leaders.

Adepts of Deceit - Volume 1
Catalog #: SKU0780

Without doubt, this book and the ensuing volumes will set a benchmark for exposing the Agenda that is laid before us. The truth's herein will shock you, and may even terrify you. Do not be deceived into thinking that conspiracies do not exist-they do; Jesus was conspired against, as was J.F.K, as was Caesar. One thing you can be certain of after reading this great work is that there is hope for us all who are willing to believe after presented with the facts. Read the book and you will know.

Adepts of Deceit - Volume 2
Catalog #: SKU0783

There are going to be some interesting topics concerning the way banks conduct business and the most important part is how they conduct the business of others. To the uninitiated reader some of these procedures are going to be a very nasty surprise. The things I learned and therefore sharing with you had upset me greatly. Being sold out was not supposed to be an option of the American Dream. If people knew this on a whole, how far would the rage reach?

Age of the Reformation
Catalog #: SKU1472

The excuse for writing another history of the Reformation is the need for putting that movement in its proper relations to the economic and intellectual revolutions of the sixteenth century. The labor of love necessary for the accomplishment of this task has employed most of my leisure for the last six years and has been my companion through vicissitudes of sorrow and of joy.

Ancient Inhabitants of America
Catalog #: SKU2992

In the beginning of the Conquest of America, the attention of Europe was chiefly directed toward the gigantic constructions of Couzco, the high roads carried along the centre of the Cordilleras, the pyramids with steps, and the worship and symbolical writings of the Mexicans.
