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TGS Publishing

TGS Publishing

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TGS Publishing
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Black Arts in Medicine
Catalog #: SKU3983

Research into how modern medicine's roots were in the Black Arts and astrology. (Maybe they still are?)

Incubus or Nightmare
Catalog #: SKU4041

The enjoyment of comfortable and undisturbed sleep, is certainly to be ranked amongst the greatest blessings which heaven has bestowed on mankind; and it may be considered as one of the best criterions of a person enjoying perfect health.

Catalog #: SKU3900

APOLLODORUS, who repeats to his companion the dialogue which he had heard from Aristodemus, and had already once narrated to Glaucon; Phaedrus; Pausanias; Eryximachus; Aristophanes; Agathon; Socrates; Alcibiades; A Troop of Revellers.

Monism As Connecting Religion and Science
Catalog #: SKU4042

That we may rightly appreciate what this Monism is, let us now, from a philosophico-historical point of view cast a comprehensive glance over the development in time of man's knowledge of nature.

A Problem in Greek Ethics: Sexual Inversion
Catalog #: SKU2784

A short study of Ancient Greek homosexuality, pedastery, and the third sex.

Acts of the Republican Party
Catalog #: SKU2519

Mind control, propaganda, ignorant religious zealots, lead to the way to civil war between the states... and the Republican party is still actively using these techniques to destroy the constitutional republic.

Algebra of Logic
Catalog #: SKU1450

Mathematical Logic is a necessary preliminary to logical Mathematics. 'Mathematical Logic' is the name given by Peano to what is also known (afterVenn ) as .Symbolic Logic.; and Symbolic Logic is, in essentials, the Logic of Aristotle, given new life and power by being dressed up in the wonderful almost magical armour and accoutrements of Algebra.

Allied Countries and The Jews
Catalog #: SKU3502

Every American is now more than ever interested in Europe, and especially in those countries with which we are associated in the War. France, in particular, claims our attention. It is for this reason that as Jews we cannot help being interested in the relation of France to the Jewish people.

Anglo-Saxon and the Modern Dialects of the English Language
Catalog #: SKU3013

The more one studies about the President of the USA, Thomas Jefferson, the more you find he was indeed a great man with many talent and interests. Here Mr. Jefferson authors a teaching text for learning the Anglo Saxon language in its English context.

Art of Making Whiskey, The
Catalog #: SKU3018

A study into what the author's research proved to be the best whiskey.

Bible and the Square
Catalog #: SKU3925

A Masonic devotional study guide with emphasis on Masonic and Biblical Symbology.

Biblical Extracts
Catalog #: SKU3696

The distinguishing characteristic of the present age, is the freedom of inquiry and discussion which prevails upon all subjects; and most particularly upon religious subjects. Intelligent and thinking men of every class, are beginning to investigate and discuss questions of the latter kind with considerable closeness, fearlessness and determination.

Buried Cities of Vesuvius
Catalog #: SKU2429

The mystique of these buried cities, that a volcano destroyed, continues as a time capsule of a view into our ancient past.

Causes of Secession, The
Catalog #: SKU2960

Slavery is the first thing people point to when talking about the War of Northern Tyranny against the South. While slavery was one of the causes, the move to secession was due to a multitude of unconstitutional acts of the US against the South.

Conquest of the Land Through Seven Thousand Years
Catalog #: SKU1735

This reprint grants the reader a rare synopsis of mankind's utilization and/or over use of the soil throughout the world, and through different civilizations. Societal structures, peace, success -throughout history- rely upon the ability of the soil to feed the people.
