Publishers TGS Publishing

TGS Publishing

TGS Publishing

TGS Publishing, founded 1999, publishes out of print books, new authors, specialty books, and books for test marketing.

TGS has maintained a website presence via since 1999, making the top 100,000 websites in ranking several times during that period.

TGS is a wholesale supplier direct to bookstores and distributors, along with drop shipping orders for publishers, bookstores, and authors.

TGS maintains a Print on Demand operation for publishers and authors, keeping the price and costs the lowest in the industry, with 10 day turn around for orders.

TGS Services offers website construction, maintenance, shopping cart installations, domain name registrar services, and dedicated server leases.

TGS Publishing
22241 Pinedale Lane,
Frankston, Texas 75763


Primitive Symbolism As Illustrated in Phallic Worship
Catalog #: SKU2153

Was Phallic worship representing the creation aspect of mankind?

Salvation Syrup
Catalog #: SKU3659

Twenty years ago the Hallelujah Band spread itself far and wide, but soon spent itself like a straw fire. Then arose the Salvation Army, doing the same kind of work, and indulging in the same vagaries. These were imitations of the antics of the cruder forms of Methodism. Even the all-night meetings of the Whitechapel Salvationists, ten years ago, were faint copies of earlier Methodist gatherings.

Catalog #: SKU2237

Lectures on the artistic Sappho, history's most famous Lesbian.

Science of Getting Rich
Catalog #: SKU1436

THIS book is pragmatical, not philosophical; a practical manual, not a treatise upon theories. It is intended for the men and women whose most pressing need is for money; who wish to get rich first, and philosophize afterward.

SEX : Avoided Subjects Discussed
Catalog #: SKU1740

This little reprint may be a walk down memory lane for many of us, when our parents left 'right' sex education books in our paths to view, rather than doing the 'birds and bees' speech. Such tactics may be needed once again, instead of letting television and video games teach 'sex' to our children.

Sex-Love : Its Place in a Free Society
Catalog #: SKU2549

Think 'free love' started with the 60s generation? Think again... The quest for unrepressed acts of love have been with humanity since the beginning... and repressed time and again by 'sects' of men only interested in controlling others.

Sexual Health
Catalog #: SKU2640

Sexual health is something most of us pay no attention to until we have something no longer working, physically or psychologically. Though slanted from a christian viewpoint, much of the advice is valid from a medical view.

Sod Kedoshim : The Secret of the Holy Ones
Catalog #: SKU2951

A commentary on the prophecies of Daniel concerning Israel and its national restoration.

Story of the Gold Conspiracy
Catalog #: SKU2765

Chairman Turpie announced that Hon. Alexander Del Mar of California, the distinguished writer on finance, was present and would address the Convention. Mr. Del Mar was greeted by much applause and proceeded to the discussion, confining his remarks chiefly to the historical aspect of the question.

Sweet Lips
Catalog #: SKU4144

Though the topics and themes are much the same as American erotica, the British use of English adds a luster to the stories, missing from the vulgar used in America. For all the Bible thumpers, sapphism was not banned in the Bible anywhere!

Teaching of Apostles and the Sibylline Books
Catalog #: SKU2796

How much influence did the Roman religions' soothsayers have on early Christianity?

Testament of Isaac
Catalog #: SKU2977

The Apocryphal Book of Isaac

Testament of Jacob
Catalog #: SKU2976

The Apocryphal Book of Jacob

Thoughts of a Freethinker
Catalog #: SKU2168

A Freethinker's concise and thoughtful view of Christianity.

Three Paths To Union With God
Catalog #: SKU4091

Again this master teacher in few words, adeptly explains the Three Paths or Three Margas; Karma, Jnana, and Bhakti (Action, Wisdom, Devotion).
