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Very little, it is conceived, is necessary to enable the reader to determine the writer's position on the extreme south western frontiers, in the year 1818. He had spent the summer of that year in traversing the mine district, which extends along the right bank of the Mississippi, between the mouth of the Maromeg and the diluvial cliffs south of Cape Girardeau, extending west and south westward to the sources of the St. Francis.
Being an encyclopedic collection of rare and extraordinary cases, and of the most striking instances of abnormality in all branches of medicine and surgery, derived from an exhaustive research of medical literature from its origin to the present day, abstracted, classified, annotated, and indexed. Since the time when man's mind first busied itself with subjects beyond his own self-preservation and the satisfaction of his bodily appetites, the anomalous and curious have been of exceptional and persistent fascination to him; and especially is this true of the construction and functions of the human body. This is a large manuscript of nearly 700 pages in an 11 inch by 8 inch book.
IN the following pages I have sought to satisfy a request, often made to me, to give a short but comprehensive view of the whole fabric of the Arcane mysteries, and affinity with the Masonic System; and I here take the opportunity of recording my protest against the sceptical tendencies of the present generation of the Moderns who are Masons, and against the efforts that are made, in season and out of season, to underrate the indubitable antiquity of the Masonic ceremonies.
Two Volume Set! A long look at why archeology is important to history, science, medicine, and our future. One of the best works on the meaning of archeology ever written.
How a Texas Traitor sacrificed his honor and sold his state to Rockefeller's Standard Oil.
This book is about an alien race. They are taking over our planet. This alien race is known as 'the reptilians.' They are body snatching ~ taking over human bodies. I became involved with one such reptilian host and the reptilian entity working for him. I am now free of all of them. Exposed are unique insights into exactly how a reptilian exists as a human. Secrecy is their power.
Joseph Smith was a fraud so says the Christian Church. Yet, many points of his Book of Mormon have historical relevance as modern science continues to uncover our hidden past, particularly in the Americas. How did a young man, from rural early America, come up with such details, and convert his goals to life-long research into the mysteries? His claims of an angel giving him this sacred treasure is no different than that of modern channelers or pentecostal tongue talkers who channel angels, God and Jesus.
Shows the inter-relationships of the many mythological, legendary and heroic figures which from the beginning of time were recorded by the Aryan people in their epic sagas. Long forgotten and suppressed, the British Edda is back. Originally published 1929.
The Mysteries of Christianity lie in its customs, rituals and traditions. Where did these people get so many rituals and customs when the New Testament is virtually silent on the matter? 560 Pages of collected studies in this one volume on the Mysteries of Christianity.
In compiling these recipes every effort has been made to bear in mind the resources of the Jewish kitchen, as well as the need of being economical and practical.
An exhaustive study into the antiquity of Masonry by an author that travelled to the places of the ancient world to locate the truth of Masonic history.
How did the solar system come about? How did earth get positioned perfectly to support life as we know it? How did the moon become it's perfecting satellite?
No man should regard the subject of religion as decided for him until he has read The Golden Bough. The Golden Bough is one of those books that unmake history.
The most extensive book on the magical arts that we have come across.
One of the greatest mysteries in the annals of American history was the Great Civil War. State against State. Brother against Brother. Father against Son. This war remains one of the largest scams of the US Federal government against its founding documents, against its founding fathers, and against the very foundation that the nation was established on. This book written by a Northerner, in 1868, is an objective view of that horrible blight in human history.
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