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TGS Publishing

TGS Publishing

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TGS Publishing
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Vivilore : Pathway to Mental and Physical Perfection
Catalog #: SKU3385

Vivilore is a study of 'life-lessons'. This book is an encyclopedia of knowledge from beauty, motherhood, health, death, and much more! 120 illustrations 20 color plates.

International Jew : 4 Volume Set Unabridged
Catalog #: SKU1175e

This is the collection of Henry Ford's controversial works that created an uproar in the American Jewish community from 1921- well into the 1940s ...The International Jew gives a rare insight into the thoughts and political yen of many of this era. If we fail to study history, even controversial elements of history, we are indeed doomed to repeat its mistakes. Ford, like thousands of other influential men and politicians, endorsed the Nazis in 1930s Germany. This fact is one that is seldom covered in history books.

Ancient Egypt the Light of the World
Catalog #: SKU3864

I have written other books, but this I look upon as the exceptional labour which has made my life worth living. Comparatively speaking, 'A Book of the Beginnings' (London, 1881) was written in the dark, 'The Natural Genesis' (London, 1883) was written in the twilight, whereas 'Ancient Egypt' has been written in the light of day. The earlier books were met in England with the truly orthodox

Guy Fawkes - Three Volume Set
Catalog #: SKU3503

Their searches are many and severe. They come either in the night or early in the morning, and ever seek their opportunity, when the Catholics are or would be best occupied, or are likely to be worse provided or look for nothing. An Historical Romance

Rational Sex Ethics
Catalog #: SKU2590

Excellent book on sexual ethics and hygiene. This medical doctor favors the Havelock Ellis approach to sexuality over the Freudian theories.

Doric Race, Its History and Antiquities
Catalog #: SKU3693

The Dorians derived their origin from those districts in which the Grecian nation bordered towards the north upon numerous and dissimilar races of barbarians. As to the tribes which dwelt beyond these boundaries we are indeed wholly destitute of information; nor is there the slightest trace of any memorial or tradition that the Greeks originally came from those quarters. On these frontiers, however, the events took place which effected an entire alteration in the internal condition of the whole Grecian people, and here were given many of those impulses, of which the effects were so long and generally experienced.

My Life and Loves
Catalog #: SKU2752

The autobiography of Frank Harris. Follow the loves and travels, friends and colleagues of this famous author and journalist.

Mysterious South America
Catalog #: SKU2755

Follow this author on his adventures and discoveries through South America.

Secret of Hegel
Catalog #: SKU2511

Many people cite Hegel, and just as many slur him and his theories. His name has become a byword in political discussions. Yet have any of these people really ever considered Hegel's philosophy or is it by rote (the 10th monkey) they derogate his work? The Hegelian philosophy was more than just the dialectic and this set of books explores all of it.

Sexual Life of Our Time, The
Catalog #: SKU2512

This well-researched study investigates the sexual attitudes of the 20th century and how they are changing.

Primitive Love and Love-Stories
Catalog #: SKU3836

"Love is always the same. As Sappho loved, fifty years ago, so did people love ages before her; so will they love thousands of years hence." These words, placed by Professor Ebers in the mouth of one of the characters in his historic novel, An Egyptian Princess, express the prevalent opinion on this subject, an opinion which I, too, shared fifteen years ago. Though an ardent champion of the theory of evolution, I believed that there was one thing in the world to which modern scientific ideas of gradual development did not apply-that love was too much part and parcel of human nature to have ever been different from what it is to-day.

Antient Mythology (Two Volume Set)
Catalog #: SKU3371

The New System, or, an Analysis of Antient Mythology," here presented to the public, is a literary phenomenon, which will remain the admiration of scholars, as long as a curiosity after antiquity shall continue to be a prevailing passion among mankind

Book of Medicines
Catalog #: SKU3029

This Set of Two Books is a facsimile reproduction of Budge's hard to find work on Syrian Medicines in the Ancient World. This edition has been reproduced from scans for the layman, removing over 600 pages of Syriac text, that was intended for the scholar. This is a Set of Two Books with 985 pages of the English Translation of the Syriac.

Charms, Amulets, Talismans, Spells and Incantations
Catalog #: SKU0118

Spells and charms have been in man's belief system since ancient times. This is a collection of spells and charms from around the world, from the ancient world to modern times. Included are the history and story behind the spells, or talismans.

Destiny of the Soul
Catalog #: SKU1457

A massive volume of research on the soul's destiny! The present work is not only historic but it is also polemic; polemic, however, not in the spirit or interest of any party or conventicle, but in the spirit and interest of science and humanity.
