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An informative look at communism as a world movement and a Jewish stratagem . the six pointed star of Jewish communism being: Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, Bela Kun, Stalin and Litvinoff.
The history of the rise and fall of the Khazar Empire and their war against the West since the earliest times. A book which caused American Jewry to declare an all out war against the author, who was a member of Military Intelligence.
The complete, long-suppressed story of how the Tsar Nicholas II and Russia's Imperial Family were murdered by the Soviet secret police in July 1918. Introduction includes newly discovered facts that bring the story up to date.
Written by a prominent Danish lawyer.A well documented and chronological report on the rise of Zionism and the conquest of Palestine. Contains hundreds of damaging admissions and revealing statements from Zionists, anti-Zionists and disinterested parties. A must for true Middle East historians.
The International Jew gives a rare insight into the thoughts and political yen of many of this era. If we fail to study history, even controversial elements of history, we are indeed doomed to repeat its mistakes. Ford, like thousands of other influential men and politicians, endorsed the Nazis in 1930s Germany. This fact is one that is seldom covered in history books.
The title stands to remind us that historical facts are invariably misrepresented and distorted in order to suit those in a position of power. The author has researched recent history and present truths not generally available through the popular press, covering suppressed facts regarding the Russian Revolution through the changes taking place today under Mr. Gorbachev. Also presented is the role of the Jews in the 19th and 20th century European revolutionary movements as well as the suppression of the truth concerning the Jews in reference to the Holocaust.
The colossal political and financial organization centered in London, known as "The city," operates as a super-government of the world; and no incident has occurred anywhere in the world without its participation in some form. Its pretentions are supported in the U.S. by the secret International Pilgrim Society, sponsor of the Cecil Rhodes "One World" ideology which was launched about 1897.
The Unrevealed History: 100 Historical Mysteries Explained. This Major General of the Russian anti-Bolshevik Army sheds light on the earlier stages of enslavement and destruction of Christianity which remains hidden and unabated in the present day U.S. and the world.
Shows the inter-relationships of the many mythological, legendary and heroic figures which from the beginning of time were recorded by the Aryan people in their epic sagas. Long forgotten and suppressed, the British Edda is back. Originally published 1929.
The author's expertise and knowledge of the Sumerian language helped to hasten the early decoding of the Indus Valley seals.
The invention of the Alphabet is generally admitted to be one of the very greatest scientific human achievements. It enables civilized men by an easy system of some twenty four or so sound-sings or letter to rapidly express and register their thoughts and speak through time and space, conduct their everyday business by registers and correspondence, and chronicle their experience for the use of future generations by permanent records.
This Jewish author exposes the fraud that modern Jewry is descended from the biblical Judeans or Hebrews and shows how its origin is actually from the Mongol Khazars who converted to Judaism.
William Davis was an engineer with a water filter company for many years. From his expertise and research, he discovered that the commercially sold water filters DO NOT clean most of the contaminants from your drinking water and most being sold under the concept of 'survival' gear were a rip-off. A filter that cannot clean river water is a waste of money!
William Davis was an engineer with a water filter company for many years. From his expertise and research, he discovered that the commercially sold water filters DO NOT clean most of the contaminants from your drinking water and most being sold under the concept of 'survival' gear were a rip-off. A filter that cannot clean river water is a waste of money!
Mr. Thomas D. Schauf, worked up his report, to clear up questions he had received about the Federal Reserve Bank (FED). Mr. Schauf spent a great deal of time researching the FED. The resulting, shocking and revealing conclusions are as follows.
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