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TGS Publishing

TGS Publishing

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Tales of the Heptameron
Catalog #: SKU4116

It is from the authentic text furnished by M. Le Roux de Lincy that the present translation has been made, without the slightest suppression or abridgment. The work moreover contains all the more valuable notes to be found in the best French editions of the Heptameron, as well as numerous others from original sources, and includes a résumé of the various suggestions made by MM. Félix Frank, Le Roux de Lincy, Paul Lacroix, and A. de Montaiglon, towards the identification of the narrators of the stories, and the principal actors in them, with well-known personages of the time. An Essay on the Heptameron from the pen of Mr. George Saintsbury, M.A., and a Life of Queen Margaret, are also given, as well as the quaint Prefaces of the earlier French versions; and a complete bibliographical summary of the various editions which have issued from the press.

Tales of the Enchanted Islands of the Atlantic
Catalog #: SKU1761

As the Western world became enamored with the Pacific Isles, their culture, traditions, history and religions - Once Europe and the Middle East nations were just as spell bound with Islands of the Atlantic Ocean. Even today, archeologists, esoteric researchers, and history buffs look for the lost isles of recorded history that once sat above the waters of the Atlantic.

Tales of Khamuas
Catalog #: SKU3840

The first tale of Khamuas is remarkable from every point of view. It is one of the finest works of imagination that Egypt has bequeathed to us; it belongs to the best period of demotic writing, when the script was at once full and expressive yet free from corruptions and superfluities, and the existing copy contains very few mistakes.

Taboo, Magic, Spirits
Catalog #: SKU1407

ROMAN religion, as we meet it in historical times, is a congeries of many elements. One of the problems of the modern scholar is to separate and interpret these various elements--primitive, Latin, Etruscan, Greek, Oriental.

Taboo and Genetics
Catalog #: SKU1334

In order to have a thoroughly comprehensive survey of the institutions connected with sexual relationships and the family and their entire significance for human life, it is also necessary to approach them from the ethnological and psychological points of view. The influence of the primitive sex taboos on the evolution of the social mores and family life has received too little attention in the whole literature of sexual ethics and the sociology of sex.

System of Nature : Laws of the Moral and Physical World
Catalog #: SKU1399

he source of man's unhappiness is his ignorance of Nature. The pertinacity with which he clings to blind opinions imbibed in his infancy, which interweave themselves with his existence, the consequent prejudice that warps his mind, that prevents its expansion, that renders him the slave of fiction, appears to doom him to continual error. He resembles a child destitute of experience, full of ideal notions: a dangerous leaven mixes itself with all his knowledge: it is of necessity obscure, it is vacillating and false:--

Syrian Goddess, The
Catalog #: SKU1428

To the student of oriental religions the Dea Syria is brimful of interest. It describes the cult and worship of the goddess of Northern Syria, Atargatis, at her sacred city, Hierapolis, now Mumbij. The time when Lucian wrote would be the middle of the second century B.C.

Syrian Christ
Catalog #: SKU2166

A look at the Oriental/Occidental history of the Christ.

Syriac Apocalpyse of Baruch
Catalog #: SKU3618

The Apocalypse of Baruch has mystified the Christian and Judaic worlds for centuries. Even today, there are churches and scholars that think this work should have been canonized into the Bible. It is a very interesting manuscript.

Syphilis : Is it a Mischievous Myth or a Malignant Monster?
Catalog #: SKU1234

This book is a reprint of TGS Alternative/Survival Health books. An intelligent man may be wrong sometimes, but a fool is always right. He is never wrong. The medical profession is never wrong. It never changes, except superficially. This is the reason it is necessary for me to write this book. There are many books on the care and feeding of infants, but most of them consist largely of repetitions of ancient mistakes. There is little in them that can be recommended to the parent who desires to care for his or her child in the best manner possible. They are full of statements which have been known to be false for many years. But the medical profession is never wrong.

Synthetic Projective Geometry
Catalog #: SKU1449

The following course is intended to give, in as simple a way as possible, the essentials of synthetic projective geometry. While, in the main, the theory is developed along the wellbeaten track laid out by the great masters of the subject, it is believed that there has been a slight smoothing of the road in some places.

Synthetic Men of Mars - John Carter's Journal - Book 9
Catalog #: SKU1685

This is volume nine of the famous and popular John Carter's Journal, a science fiction series about Mars. Serve yourself, your children with the tools that seed intuitive thinking skills, books that challenge and enrich the imagination.

Synagogue Histories
Catalog #: SKU2382

A topic seldom researched among truthseekers, yet a mystery of an ancient religion that still affects every one on the planet, in one way or another.

Symzonia : Voyage of Discovery
Catalog #: SKU2411

The Author's reasons for undertaking a voyage of discovery.-He builds a vessel for his purpose upon a new plan.-His departure from the United States- To the Hollow Earth.

Catalog #: SKU3900

APOLLODORUS, who repeats to his companion the dialogue which he had heard from Aristodemus, and had already once narrated to Glaucon; Phaedrus; Pausanias; Eryximachus; Aristophanes; Agathon; Socrates; Alcibiades; A Troop of Revellers.
