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TGS Publishing

TGS Publishing

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Ancient Town Planning
Catalog #: SKU1001

Town-planning-the art of laying out towns with due care for the health and comfort of inhabitants, for industrial and commercial efficiency, and for reasonable beauty of buildings-is an art of intermittent activity. It belongs to special ages and circumstances. For its full unfolding two conditions are needed. The age must be one in which, whether through growth, or through movements of population, towns are being freely founded or freely enlarged, and almost as a matter of course attention is drawn to methods of arranging and laying out such towns. And secondly, the builders of these towns must have wit enough to care for the well-being of common men and the due arrangement of ordinary dwellings. That has not always happened. In many lands and centuries-in ages where civilization has been tinged by an under-current of barbarism-one or both of these conditions have been absent.

Another World: Fragments of the Star City of Montalluyah
Catalog #: SKU1002

Parallel worlds, the duality of life, the 4th dimension, lost worlds, Lemuria, Mars, Venus, Atlantis, the hollow earth, -- the idea of another world with life similar to ours has been the study, search, and dream of mankind throughout the ages... or perhaps it is merely mitochondrial memory that fragmentizes us and attaches us to these thoughts.
Long before the practical use of electricity was known in 1873, Hermes was writing to us expounding its benefits and virtues. A dream of an obscure author come true? Or truly a prophetic utterance? Travel with Hermes to Another World and dream the dreams once again.

Causes of the Civil War
Catalog #: SKU1003

A rare little discourse reprinted by TGS Historical Reprints:
Learn about the 'real' causes of the Civil War from the viewpoint of a noted historian that lived through the reign of armed terror by the United States. Correct in your learning what the war was about before the U.S. History Revisionists obscured the facts and details. Learn how the United States destroyed another civilization. The majority of the records of this illegal aggression against a peaceful people were sealed for a century. Some still are----

Psychology of Religion: Human Origin of Morals
Catalog #: SKU1004

Two great essays in one volume. The evolution of psychology is a proof that science has not yet completely emancipated itself from its serfdom to religious beliefs. It was originally a branch of philosophy, and its chief purpose was to serve religion by furnishing convincing proofs that the soul is spiritual and immortal. In proportion as the methods of science were adopted in it, and arguments of a philosophical character were eliminated, the aim of the science was changed. Half a century ago it abandoned the word "soul," and it threw out the question of immortality as a minor irrelevance to be wrangled over by Materialists, Christians, Spiritualists, and Theosophists.

Damning Demonstrative Darrow
Catalog #: SKU1005

Four great writings by one of the most prolific writers, thinkers, and reasoners of our times.

Catalog #: SKU1006

Over 600 points of serious questions regarding the validity of the Church's claims. Excellent resource for personal introspection into one's own study into their beliefs or great for answers and questions to pose to that 'knock on the door' that wants to save you.

Who Wrote the Bible?
Catalog #: SKU1007

Written by a Biblical student, Christian preacher, and honest researcher, this book had to be a landmark, controversial work coming from one of the 'insiders' of the church. Gladden gives an honest appraisal of his findings and research, opening up many questions that even modern clergy do not want to respond to.

Dweller on Two Planets: Dividing of the Way
Catalog #: SKU1008

Major examples of what was set forth in "A DWELLER ON TWO PLANETS" in 1886, together with many more predictions of the immediate oncoming of what the Author terms rediscovery of the secrets buried with Atlantis; and it is promised that we, as Atlanteans returning, are going beyond her fallen greatness, and that by slow, synthetic steps, we are coming up to surpass even those wonderful attainments, as the ever expanding and growing mind and soul of man climbs ever higher in the rounds of his evolution.
To all earnest, though perhaps skeptical inquirers, I may say that the evidence as to this book being finished in 1886, and before the latter-day discoveries became known, abundantly exists and can be clearly established

Symbolism of Freemasonry
Catalog #: SKU1009

The work now offered to the public is an effort to develop and explain this philosophy and science. It will show that there are in Freemasonry the germs of profound speculation. If it does not interest the learned, it may instruct the ignorant. If so, I shall not regret the labor and research that have been bestowed upon its composition.

Principles of Masonic Law
Catalog #: SKU1010

The laws which govern the institution of Freemasonry are of two kinds, unwritten and written, and may in a manner be compared with the "lex non scripta," or common law, and the "lex seripta," or statute law of English and American jurists.

Journey To The Hollow Earth
Catalog #: SKU1012


Mysteries Of The Dead Sea Scrolls
Catalog #: SKU1015


GOD, Man, ET: The Question of Other Worlds in Science, Theology, and Mythology
Catalog #: SKU1016


Life of the Spirit & Life of Today
Catalog #: SKU1021

This book has been called "The Life of the Spirit and the Life of To-day" in order to emphasize as much as possible the practical, here-and-now nature of its subject; and specially to combat the idea that the spiritual life-or the mystic life, as its more intense manifestations are sometimes called-is to be regarded as primarily a matter of history. It is not. It is a matter of biology.

Religion of the Ancient Celts
Catalog #: SKU1022

The scientific study of ancient Celtic religion is a thing of recent growth. As a result of the paucity of materials for such a study, earlier writers indulged in the wildest speculative flights and connected the religion with the distant East, or saw in it the remains of a monotheistic faith or a series of esoteric doctrines veiled under polytheistic cults.
