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How to Unify and Intensify Your Natural Faculties for Efficiency, - Health and Success - How to free yourself from the grip of a race habit millions of years old, Develop a new master center and thus cure disease, Dealing with disease and inharmony, A three word key thought that will focus your thought upon a mighty truth and raise you to a new level of master consciousness, Providing an inlet and outlet for energy, Creative energy, How to heal your body and pocketbook, Warning signals of coming inharmony, Rooting out ideals which cause disease, Self-healing.
The Power of the Dragon is a masterpiece of incredible information based on the esoteric power of the nodes of the moon. Free of mathematical jargon, this book divulges the secrets of what it means to be human. More insights and discernment is induced by the Dragon than in an entire conventional astrological chart.
2 books in one volume - The jurisprudence of Texas is in many respects different from that of any other country. It is a resultant of the combined forces of the Civil and Common law. For centuries these two great systems of jurisprudence have controlled the governments of Southern and Western Europe, the Civil law having its sway over the Latin, and the Common law, over the Anglo-Saxon and kindred peoples. In connection with them in their several jurisdictions has grown up the splendid civilization of Europe.
First published in 1899, a history of the National Bank System of currency, including an account of the first U.S. Bank. This book documents from Congressional records, newspaper reports and writings by the founding fathers and others a chronology of events long forgotten that shaped our fledgling nation from 1776 to 1899. Read about the manipulation of our money and its supply, the intentional creation of recessions, depressions and panics. The manipulation of the stock markets and demonetization of silver.
All the usurpation, and tyranny, and extortion, and robbery, and fraud, that are involved in the monopoly of money are practised, and attempted to be justified, under the pretence of maintaining the standard of value. This pretence is intrinsically a false one throughout.
All the usurpation, and tyranny, and extortion, and robbery, and fraud, that are involved in the monopoly of money are practised, and attempted to be justified, under the pretence of maintaining the standard of value. This pretence is intrinsically a false one throughout.
An Essay On The Right Of Authors And Inventors To A Perpetual Property In Their Ideas - "... the principle of individual property... says that each man has an absolute dominion, as against all other men, over the products and acquisitions of his own labor."
To The Alleged Supernatural Evidences Of Christianity - There are some believers, who place little confidence in the evidence of the miracles said to have been performed by Jesus, who yet say that the establishment of such a religion as his, by such means as were employed after his death, is of itself a convincing miracle. They say it is incredible that the preachers of a religious system, the most prominent doctrine of which was the Son of God, its founder, was slain, should have met with such success, unless God had miraculously aided them.
Shown To Be Easily Attainable & Poverty: Its Illegal Causes And Legal Cure - THE wealth of the world is proportionate to the number of different things mankind possess, rather than to the quantity of any one thing. Thus, if every human being had as much wheat as he could eat, and had no other wealth, all would still be poor.
The Laws of England may aptly enough be divided into two Kinds, viz. Lex Scripta, the written Law: and Lex non Scripta, the unwritten Law: For although (as shall be shewn hereafter) all the Laws of this Kingdom have some Monuments or Memorials thereof in Writing, yet all of them have not their Original in Writing; for some of those Laws have obtain'd their Force by immemorial Usage or Custom, and such Laws are properly call'd Leges non Scriptae, or unwritten Laws or Customs.
A series of Lectures were delivered before the University of Cambridge. Sir Henry Maine (1822 - February 3, 1888) was a British jurist and legal historian. He was born in Kelso, Roxburgh, Scotland on August 15, 1822. Maine is best known for his work in comparative law.
The growth of human ideas and the origins of human society. Its object is to reveal some of the earliest ideas of mankind, reflected in Ancient Law, to point out the relation of those ideas to later thought. Early society, reflected in the law, begins with the group (the family), not with the individual.
3 treatises in one volume : TEXAS FROM THE FALL OF THE CONFEDERACY TO THE BEGINNING OF RECONSTRUCTION : STATE FINANCES OF TEXAS DURING THE RECONSTRUCTION - In the last days of the summer of 1863 Major John Tyler, son of an ex-President of the United States, and at that time an aid on the staff of General Sterling Price, C. S. A., was making the slow and toilsome journey from his headquarters at Arkadelphia, Arkansas, to Austin, Texas. This had been a disastrous summer for the Confederacy.
According to the popular apprehension of the term, a promise is the act of the promisor alone; but in truth it requires also an act of the promisee. Before any act by the promisee, the so-called promise is in law only an offer, called by the Romans a pollicitation. It is not until it is accepted by the promisee that it becomes in law a promise.
THE Constitution of the United States establishing a legislature for the Union, under certain forms, authorises each branch of it "to determine the rules of its own proceedings." The Senate have accordingly formed some rules for its own government: but these going only to few cases, they have referred to the decision of their President, without debate and without appeal, all questions of order arising either under their own rules, or where they have provided none. By Thomas Jefferson
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