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TGS Publishing

TGS Publishing

TGS Publishing, founded 1999, publishes out of print books, new authors, specialty books, and books for test marketing.

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TGS Publishing
22241 Pinedale Lane,
Frankston, Texas 75763


Secret Tradition in Freemasonry
Catalog #: SKU2171

Analysis of the Inter-relation Between the Craft and High Grades- In Two Volumes! From the foremost authority on Freemasonry and Rosicrucians, A.E. Waite, this 950 page study into the ancient and modern mysteries.

Sexual Life of Woman - 2 vol set Unabridged Edition
Catalog #: SKU3151

The great Teacher once said, Physician heal thyself... This book gives women the knowledge of her body and inner workings so she can protect herself from ailments and damage to her most private and sensitive parts. A wealth of knowledge for the woman's library. For men, this book will give you information about that most mysterious place on the female body 700 pages of medical science. Large Print 14 point font, 97 illustrations

Spaceflight Revolution
Catalog #: SKU2567

Spacecraft and spaceflight has changed the way man thinks about his home planet and place in the universe. We are the microcosm, not the macrocosm of the universe, regardless of what the Vatican imposed on the people during its Christian Dark Ages. Learn the history of how spaceflight has evolved in just a few decades.

Story of the Heavens
Catalog #: SKU3257

"The Story of the Heavens" is the title of our book. We have indeed a wondrous story to narrate; and could we tell it adequately it would prove of boundless interest and of exquisite beauty. It leads to the contemplation of grand phenomena in nature and great achievements of human genius.

Underground World : A Mirror of Life Below the Surface
Catalog #: SKU2170

Hollow earth? Underground civilizations? Why not? This is a study into KNOWN underground activities.

Varney, The Vampire: The Feast of Blood - Volume 3 of the Vampire Series
Catalog #: SKU1546

The unprecedented success of the romance of "Varney the Vampyre," leaves the Author but little to say further, than that he accepts that success and its results as gratefully as it is possible for any one to do popular favours. A belief in the existence of Vampyres first took its rise in Norway and Sweden, from whence it rapidly spread to more southern regions, taking a firm hold of the imaginations of the more credulous portion of mankind.

Wealth of Nations
Catalog #: SKU2290

You hear this book referred ad naseum by politicos espousing 'free trade' and 'lassiez faire', but few of these mouthpieces have ever read the book that they proclaim as their sacred manifesto.

Weird Tales (2 Volume Set)
Catalog #: SKU3326

To those who love a good story, well told, the five specially mentioned may be recommended; and for those who desire to explore the dark by-paths (Irrwege) of the human spirit, to penetrate to some of its rarest comers, and to know all its ins and outs, as well as for those who aim at studying German literature, Hoffmann is a writer who ought to be read at greater length.

Hidden Church of the Holy Graal
Catalog #: SKU1418

IF deeper pitfalls are laid by anything more than by the facts of coincidence, it is perhaps by the intimations and suggestions of writings which bear, or are held to bear, on their surface the seals of allegory and, still more, of dual allusion; as in the cases of coincidence, so in these, it is necessary for the historical student to stand zealously on his guard and not to acknowledge second meaning or claims implied, however plausible, unless they are controlled and strengthened by independent evidence.

Catalog #: SKU3577

Generally considered as a legend, this author presents Pantika as a religion, a culture, and a way of life as observed by the ancients. These legends were as real to that people as Christianity is to its adherents.

Voltaire's Romances
Catalog #: SKU3463

I choose that a story should be founded on probability, and not always resemble a dream. I desire to find nothing in it trivial or extravagant; and I desire above all, that under the appearance of fable there may appear some latent truth, obvious to the discerning eye, though it escape the observation of the vulgar.

Charlie Danger Trilogy - 3 book special
Catalog #: SKU3496

All three Charlie Danger Books.. One Low Price

Fragments of a Faith Forgotten
Catalog #: SKU0216

The Christ had preached a universal doctrine, a new revelation of the Good God, the Father over all. They who tried to graft this on to Judaism, the imperfect creed of one small nation, were in grievous error, and had totally misunderstood the teaching of the Christ. The Christ was not the Messiah promised to the Jews. That Messiah was to be an earthly king, was intended for the Jews alone, and had not yet come.

Great Mysteries of the Cheyenne
Catalog #: SKU0225

The Cheyenne way of life, beliefs and culture entailed many mysteries that the white man could not fathom, and those old ways still baffle most of us today. This research includes the rare report of the Cheyenne's tales of a Messiah.

History of Ireland, An Illustrated - AD 400 To 1800
Catalog #: SKU1587

The history of the different races who form an integral portion of the British Empire, should be one of the most carefully cultivated studies of every member of that nation. To be ignorant of our own history, is a disgrace; to be ignorant of the history of those whom we govern, is an injustice.
