As Above So Below
The question is often asked, How old is Masonry and where did it begin? The answer must depend entirely on one's definition of the word. If by that term one means a Freemason in the modern sense, who is a member of a subordinate lodge operating under the authority of a Grand Lodge and practising the rites of Symbolical Masonry, then Freemasonry came into existence in London in 1717.
The author studies the problems of multiple interpretations for the same mystic events or practices and multiple interpretations of symbolism.
The author's expertise and knowledge of the Sumerian language helped to hasten the early decoding of the Indus Valley seals.
For centuries, the politically and geographically isolated mountain kingdom of Tibet had been an enigma to Westerners. But in the dawn of the 20th century, its seclusion ended when British troops based in India were ordered to enter the Mystical Land of the Grand Lama. Heading an expedition which crossed the Tibetan border in July of 1903 was Col. Francis Younghusband, a veteran army officer and explorer. His assignment: to negotiate trade and border issues with the country's highest authorities.
A collection and treasure house of works in one volume by Alvin Boyd Kuhn. The modern world is awakening slowly to the fact that in the day we call ancient, though it was but a few thousand years ago in the run of millions, advanced men fully worthy of the name of sages were deeply versed in the profundities of recondite philosophy and possessed knowledge of things both human and divine, and well comprehended the great sciences of both cosmology and anthropology.
Masonry puports to have preserved the ancient mysteries. If true, they succeeded in stopping the Church from destroying all knowledge of the ancients. What mystic truths can we learn from Freemasonry?
Understanding the factual and mystical reasons the square and compass hold in Masonic culture and ritual from one of the great Masonic teachers and writers.
How does religious ritual affect religious belief? Are the two intertwined or separate functions in religious practices? This study researches these questions and much more.
A revelation of those 'secret' signs and symbols of Masonry.
One of the most unexpected results of the critical study of these symbols is the establishment of their essential paucity. They undergo, alike by devolution and evolution, and a sort of ceaseless interfusion also, infinite permutations of both type and meaning, but in their earliest monumental forms they are found to be remarkably few.
THE history of architecture, as usually written, with its theory of utilitarian origins from the hut and the tumulus, and further developments in that way-the adjustment of forms to the conditions of local circumstance; the clay of Mesopotamia, the granite of Egypt, and marble of Greece-is rather the history of building: of 'Architecture' it may be, in the sense we so often use the word, but not the Architecture which is the synthesis of the fine arts, the commune of all the crafts.
The ancient legends and myths of the great religions and folk traditions of the world tell us of marvelous things, tales that, until very recently were considered within the realm of fantasy and not reality by the self-anointed "wise" of our rationalist age--cities which were swallowed by the sea, or an engulfing Earth itself; populated underworlds of varied descriptions, some paradisical, others more hellish; non-human beings with the ability to fly, to travel to nearby planets, or under the sea, or beneath the ground, and with an interest, and urge to interfere, in the destiny of human beings or human history.
Francis Bacon, Shakespeare, and their connection to the mysterious Rosicrucians secret society is still a puzzle unravelling.
One of the most notable and finest esoteric books written.
Great Oracle of the Gods: called also The Book of the Speech of Hermes-Mercurius and the True Wheel of Fortune; Art of Knowing the Good Genii and Their Influence Upon the Destiny of Men; Occult Science of Jewels; Sidelights on Workings of Destiny in Business and Pleasure; Some Names of Womanhood; Curiosities of Planetary Lore; Wheel of Wisdom; Little Book of Divination by Flowers; Mystery of Dreams.
Excellent reference work study into the mysteries of the Tarot - a tool of divination from the most ancient civilizations.